Chapter Seven!

Depuis le début

Raine summoned their violin and began to play softly, humming as their magic flowed through the land and the wind whistled along. The playing of a mandolin followed, stopping the group in a clearing.

The bard and the Owl Lady immediately drifted together, dancing slightly as they played. Alador and Darius stopped and glanced at each other, blush creeping onto their faces as they turned away.

With a small change of tune, the tension seemed to melt away and Alador had a burst of drunken courage and began dancing along. Darius rolled his eyes before a hand was spinning him on the heels of his boots and suddenly he was in the midst of a dance as well. It's as if they were children again, moving with reckless abandon, without a care in the world.
Raine smiled at Eda as they played, watching the two let go of their appearances and have a bit of fun. Darius' cape swirled around as he moved around Alador. The leaves from the surrounding trees fell around them with the snow, it was like a dream.

Then the screech of an owl worm broke the music and the two abomination witches jumped away from each other and awkwardly cleared their throats. Eda nearly strangled Hooty as Raine looked at the two with a small frown.

Darius' commanding voice broke through the awkward silence, "Let's keep moving. I prefer to be able to see the mud I need to avoid." He continued down the path, eyes avoiding Alador at all costs.

Said witch was dying of embarrassment as he slid his goggles down and pulled out an abomination schematic to distract himself. The bard couldn't help but feel guilty, grabbing Eda's hand for comfort as they all moved on. At least it was some progress, of sorts.


The moon had risen and Darius and Alador were allowed to escape to the cabin. Silence filled the air as they checked for rooms. There was only one. The two groaned. They looked inside and Darius stormed off and Alador was cursing under his breath. There was only one bed, and the wooden couch looked as comfortable as a rock.

Darius stormed into Raine's cabin, rambling rants under his breath before he reached Raine and glared into the shorter witch's soul. "Why is there only one bed!? I demand this be fixed!" His voice boomed through the halls and Eda looked up from her reading.

"One bed? That's not right... I'm sorry Darius, It's too late to ask for a change of cabins, we'll have to wait 'till tomorrow." Raine seemed genuinely upset and scared.

Darius took a deep breath, "I'm sorry, Raine. I'm just... jumbled I suppose. Thank you anyway." he left the cabin and Raine gave a glare to Eda who went back to reading very quickly.


The engineer had made himself comfortable on the bed when Darius returned, "Ugh. Couldn't clean off the goo first? We have to share after all." The coven leader scoffed and took his cape off, hanging it neatly in the closet.

Alador rolled his eyes and brushed off some goo and took his boots off. He flopped onto the bed and slid into the blanket. He took a deep breath, he has to admit, he's happy that he's not sleeping next to his wife.

A cool breeze whistled outside, Alador had the blanket wrapped around himself and Darius was at his limit. So, the coven leader put up his boots and fell into the bed. Alador was launched out of the bed onto the floor and Darius happily took the blanket for himself.

Anger filled the room as Alador stood up, "What the hell, Darius!?"

"I'm laying down?" He got up slowly and looked at the engineer, "Unless your controlling wife has a problem with that."

"What does Odalia have to do with any of this!?" Alador snapped, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"Oh I'm sorry, I thought she had to approve everything you do! I mean really, you follow her like a lost puppy waiting for orders!" Darius' hair was flowing wildly with anger.

"Says you, you damn hypocrite! You're a lapdog for the Emperor!" Alador snapped back, waving his hands around as he struggled to find insults.

Darius scoffed, "Like I have a choice! It's not easy being a coven head! So many people to look after and order around. Nothing but work! Not that you would know, you laze about and do nothing but lay in abomination goo! If you are going to be filthy, at least stay where no one can smell you" he waved a hand in front of his nose as he smirked.

"Oh wow, resorting back to playground insults? I guess you'll call me a 'Stinky dodohead' next?" The engineer rolled his eyes and mocked Darius' stance.

"It'd be accurate. After all, what kind of dumbass has to use tech to make their abominations strong?" The coven head smirked and gave Alador a side glance.

"I'm not gonna fucking take this. Why do you hate me so much?! What did I ever do to you!?" Alador snapped. The wind was howling outside.

Darius stopped and looked at Alador's ring, "You left. You left me alone, alone with my... parents. Left with that blue-haired bitch... Then you got married, had kids..." The coven head muttered the rest as his hair calmed.

"Why do you even care?" Alador asked, voice stern and hiding his guilt through anger.

"Because for Titan's sake, I never stopped loving you!" Darius' voice boomed through the house as the wind silenced itself, "I always held onto our promise. Even if we were kids, I meant it... But then you left and it all shattered." his voice was soft, near breaking, "Goodnight Alador. I hope you and Odalia are happy together."

Alador couldn't move as Darius gathered his things and left. It wasn't till the last door shut that he spoke, "Darius... I... fuck. I never stopped loving you either, I just... didn't have a choice."

A Blight always upholds their end of the deal.

(A/N): Hey my crew! It's finally here! Sorry for the delay but it's here before Monday as promised! Thank you so much for the support and kind comments! Sorry if the fight scenes aren't the best, they're the scenes that had me stumped ;-;

See you soon my lovely crew!

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