Chapter One!

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Alador followed the butterfly to his office, where he locked the door behind him. The muffled sounds of his wife were ignored as he slumped into his chair and looked at the photo on his desk.

The photo was of him and his childhood friend, Darius. They were on the swings, an abomination pushing them high into the sky, he remembers that day fondly.

He let his eyes slip shut as his mind began to wander. His mind racing with thoughts of the past, his parents, what could have been. That day on the swings when the promise was made.

The sky was shimmering with stars as Darius dragged him through the playground. He was barely keeping pace with the purple-haired boy.

They reached the rickety old swing set and sat in the seats. Alador watched with a smile as his friend summoned a goopy monster to start pushing Alador, making him swing back and forth in the crisp night air.

After giving Alador enough momentum, the abomination moved to start pushing Darius. The two smiled widely as they reached high in the air, the wind rushing past them.

Their minds seemed to wander together, to grand ideas of adventure. They envisioned running through the snow of the Knee and exploring the caves of the Slither Beast.

Their smiles were wide and gleaming as they slowly came to a stop as the abomination turned back into lifeless goo. They slid off the seats, looking at each other before the familiar sound of parents calling snapped them from their dreams.

Alador looked towards the sound of his parents before looking back at the green-eyed boy with a big smile. Darius looked at the stars, Alador followed his gaze.

Darius' young soft voice broke the silence, "When we grow up, Alador, I wanna get married! Then we never have to be apart! Promise you'll marry me!" He gave a playful glare to Alador who quickly nodded. Darius smiled and handed him a bracelet, "A reminder, See you tomorrow!" Alador was staring at the bracelet as Darius disappeared into the door of his home.

Alador let out a deep sigh as his eyes slowly opened, he was fiddling with the bracelet. It was pristine, still perfectly safe from the years of staying in a box. He hid it away after his marriage was arranged.

When he finally came too, his very angry wife was glaring daggers into his soul, "Alador. You're doing it again." he looked up at her. Her blue eyes were full of anger and locked with his, until they trailed down to the bracelet.

Odalia's face stretched into a grin as she snatched the bracelet. Alador shot up and reached for it, shaking as Odalia walked to the fireplace. The flame was crackling and dancing, as if mocking Alador.

"You are married to me, not Darius. It's time you forgot about that slimy coven leader. A Blight always upholds their end of the deal. Never forget." Her tone was sharp and harsh as she dropped the bracelet into the fire before leaving the room.

Alador slowly walked over to the fire to see the bracelet crumble and burn. Something in him changed and he looked towards the door, where Emira and Edric were now standing. They were watching him, they looked very concerned.

He gave them a weak smile, but they only frowned back before walking away. His smile fell as confusion overtook him. Until he felt his tears flow down his cheeks. 

(Author's Note!)
Hey there! I know this is short and obviously not canon, this is an AU that me and my friend made because I went "What if Darius is so salty with Alador because they promised to marry each other as kids and Alador broke that promise" So take this as a fun stupid little au and don't think about it too much

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