Chapter Three!

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The familiar sound of scratching on his door interrupted Darius' thoughts as he glanced down at the scattered amounts of paperwork before him.

He rose from his chair, thankful for the break this was going to provide him. He crossed his office and opened the door, looking down at the furry creature who gave him a fanged grin.

"Eberwolf," he said as he stepped out of the doorframe, his fellow coven member skittering past him, setting the bag of food they had on the desk.He followed behind them, his mind not entirely present. Eberwolf chittered, looking at the purple-haired man with concern. "I'm fine. I was just thinking." He sat in his chair as he stared at the small framed photo of himself and the man he currently viewed as his rival, Alador Blight.

It had been years since that day. The day he lost his best friend. "I miss him sometimes, Eber," he said. Eberwolf set a paw on his arm, giving it a gentle pat. He smiled at the others, thankful for the support they seemed to always offer him.

He stood again, crossing over to the dark purple couch as he dropped down across it.

"It's not fair," he complained as Eberwolf huffed, rolling his eyes following the taller man before settling on the edge of the couch as Darius started his rant about what had been his and the engineer's former relationship. "We were so close! He and I used to be the best of friends and we spent so much time together. He just left me and for that green-haired bitch, Odalia!"

Eberwolf replied with an absent-minded chitter, causing Darius to sit up and look at the other with a slight offended look, "Eber! Are you even listening to me?" The gold-eyed creature nodded as Darius laid back down, "Thank you. I apologize for snapping, it's just hard for me. He promised to never leave and he did." He pulled his glove off, staring at the bracelet he had kept since they were children. Since he and Alador had made the promise to him,

His bracelet had been worn down as he had kept it on his person since he had created it. I wonder if Alador still has his Darius thought with a soft sigh, "We used to be so close Eber and he left. He didn't explain why he was leaving, he just did! I want to despise him too, but I can't seem to force myself to hate him and his stupid, adorable face and his soft, messy hair with its stupid poofing! I just miss him and the warmth his hands held. They were so soft, even if they always had some form of goo on them. " He sighed, folding his hands across his chest, "I just miss him, Eber. I want my friend back. He just left me and not even for somebody pretty! He left me that fortune telling hag Odalia! She's such a fucking bitch! What does he see in her?" He huffed grumbling several choice words about his former friend's current partner.

Eberwolf chirped in reply, patting the other's boot. They hopped off the couch as Darius sat up, drumming his fingers against the edge of the couch. Maybe he could possibly visit Alador. If Alador even wanted to see him. He had tried to visit the other in the past, but Odalia, the hag who Alador had the audacity to call his wife, had said he was busy or that Alador didn't wish to speak to him.

Looking over at the creature who was rifling through the bag of food on his desk, "Eber," he looked over at the creature who was rifling through the bag of food on his desk. The creature pulled their head out of the bag as chicken dangled in their mouth. "You're disgusting. Have some manners." Eberwolf swallowed the chicken, blowing a raspberry at the other. "Anyways, do you think I should try to see Alador again? I've been thinking about it and I feel like this time would be different from the last few times."

Eberwolf shrugged in response, turning back to the bag as Darius huffed, glaring at the creature.

"I think you should." Darius jumped, turning toward the source of the voice.

"Raine!" Darius huffed, glaring at the other who had blushed.

"Sorry, I was going to ask for some advice because the bard coven is performing and I'm nervous because I'm still so new to doing head bard things." Raine said, rubbing the back of their neck.

Darius softened, "As I've told you before, Whispers just convince the audience you're confident and not a soul will question it." He gave the other a grin and a wink.

"Thanks Darius. But if you're really sure about seeing him again, you should take your chance. It might go well. Raine said, their voice soft as they traced the doorframe.

"Thank you, Raine. I'll speak to him when I get the chance."

"Of course Darius. I have to go though, because I have things to do, you know, leader things, "the bard waved as they walked off and toward their office.

"They are certainly strange," Darius said to Eberwolf, who lifted their head which was currently in the bag, to look at Darius, "Oh for Titans' sake, Eberwolf!"

Raine had been lingering at the door frame for a few moments after their supposed exit. They turned and started down the hall, crafting a plan in their minds. Darius had given some advice and needed some of his own. Hopefully this will go well, they had to have a nice talk with Eda before anything else.

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