Chapter Six!

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Some time had passed since Eda and Raine had discussed the planned reunification between Alador and Darius. The two were once again checking over the plan before Raine left the Owl House to attend to their coven duties.

"All right so you're going to invite Darius on the trip and I'm gonna grab Alador from his house right?" Eda checked.

"Yeah. I'll tell Darius I'm going on a personal retreat but I wanted to invite a friend" Raine offered in an attempt to soothe the Owl Lady's nerves. Eda smiled softly at Raine and pressed a kiss to their forehead.

"All right Rainestorm. Good luck, I hope it goes well." she said in a soft voice.


Raine's hand had been hovering in front of the door of their fellow coven head's door for a bit. Now they had actually begun to enact this plan, a series of doubts had begun to plague their mind. What if Darius laughs at me? Or he sells me out to Eda? Are we sure he even likes anymore?

Raine shook their head with a determined expression on their face. Raine could do this. They knocked on the door grabbing their loose arm as they anxiously awaited for the door to open.

"Raine?" Darius questioned peering through a crack in the door green face mask plastered on his face, "you don't have a concert what's wrong?" He questioned opening the door so the other witch could enter. Raine walked into the other's room sitting on the arm of the couch. Darius shut his door, turning around to face the blue haired person. The purple haired man sat down gesturing for Raine to speak whenever they felt it was easier for them to start.

"Well Darius uh Eda and I were gonna get a cabin in the Knee and I asked if I could invite a friend." Raine began to explain feeling extremely awkward in the short time that they had started speaking. "But if it's not too much trouble I'd really like to have you there." Darius inspected the other choosing to ignore the anxiousness that flowed off the other in waves.

"You asked earlier, Songbird and my answer hasn't changed" The witch chuckled playfully, "I'm glad you view me as somebody you can trust, I'll be there. And tell little prince I say hello by the way. I miss seeing him around the castle but I'm glad hes with a good family"

Raine blushed and rubbed their neck embarrassedly, "Right I forgot," they smiled and nodded, "of course Darius. He'll be happy to hear from you." the bard gestured towards the door pointing awkwardly, "hate to talk and dash but-"

Darius nodded in understanding, "Of course Raine. I'll see you this afternoon" he waved as the witch exited, shutting the door behind them as they exited for the day.

Once Raine had made it what they deemed an acceptable distance away from Darius' office, they let out a screech of pride. Their end of the plan had gone off to near perfection. It was now up to Eda to ensure that she managed to successfully grab Alador.


Eda sat on the branch watching as Alador worked in his shop creating whatever new invention he happened to be creating this week. "Sweet Titan I'm bored Hooty" she complained to the tube bird who sat next to her in his transportable form.

"I can go get him for you now, Eda , if you want," the demon offered. The gray haired woman considered his offer. It would speed this up considerably.

She shrugged, gesturing for Hooty to do his thing. Hooty screeched in delight as he dove into the workshop. He swallowed the man whole much to the shock of Alador.

Eda shifted to her harpy form before grabbing the backpack and flying back to the Owl House. Hooty followed and puked out Alador in the basement.

"He's ready whenever!" Hooty said, popping up to greet Eda again. Eda nodded, making the trip downstairs to see a very confused Alador in the corner.

"Hi so I know you're confused but-" the woman started before Alador stood up pointing a finger at her.

"Confused?! Con-fucking-fused doesn't begin to describe how I feel!" he shouted, "You fucking kidnapped me! And then locked me in your basement and left me in here for hours and you start with a HI?" he shouted,

"I was going to say that we were inviting you to come to a pair of cabins with Raine and I!" Eda snarled. Alador stared at the woman in a quiet shock before squinting at her.

"What do you want?" suspicion filled his voice.

"I'm trying to bond with my daughter's father in law?" she questioned.

"Fine," Alador huffed.


The day had finally come to an end. Eda and Alador approached the Knee, climbing up the steep path. Alador spotted the cabins tucked into the corner, they were nestled close to one another.

"It's quiet here." Alador spoke softly. Eda nodded, starting back down the path. Alador followed after the woman and came to a stop in front of the two wooden cabins.

"All right now we just gotta wait for Rainey" Eda grinned at Alador before looking back down the path as Raine approached.

With Darius behind them.


Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading! Sorry about the long waits, me and my friend have been going through some things but we have full plans to continue! 

ALSO WE GOT 666 READS! (yes I took a screenshot)

ALSO WE GOT 666 READS! (yes I took a screenshot)

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