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When we got to my office I carefully swab Brooklyn first that way we could kill two birds with one stone.

Will you help me find my parents after all this is done? Cori asked

I will do my best to get you home. Come on I'm going to swab your mouth and draw blood so is there anything you want to tell me beforehand? I said and her smile faded

They used to test their drugs on me. She said and I stopped what I was doing and carefully removed her jacket.

W-when was the last time that happened? I asked

A few months ago. She said

Okay I'm going to have to report that but you should be clear. I told her before continuing.

How long will it take? She asked

Normally it would take 3-5 days to have these results delivered but since we're already here it'll only take a few minutes. I told her

How about we go get some food and come back? Jay asked and they both looked at me for confirmation

It's ok. By the time you get back I'll have a full rundown of your test. I told them.

A few minutes later all of the results were in starting with Brooklyn's which were positive. But it was Cori's that got my attention her test and Brooklyn were exactly the same. I decided to run a DNA test on her as well and the results came back positive.

Hey Bey we're back I got them Chick-fil-A and you and I have Ramen. Jay said but I was to stunned to say anything

I jumped up and grabbed a briefcase searching for the number of a clinic I used years ago when we had the cancer scare.

Bey what's is everything okay? What's going on? He asked but I was so so focused on what I was doing I didn't realize he was behind me until I bumped into to him.

I'm sorry... what were you saying? I asked

What's going on? You keep pacing and fumbling through your bags. He said

Remember when we had that cancer scare a few years back? I asked

Yeah we used the first round of Embryos for Brooklyn. He said

No that was the last of them. I told him while showing him the results for Cori

She's ours what the fuck. He said and both girls entered the room.

Is everything okay? Did the results come in? Cori asked

You said your mom had five bracelets what was the other one? I asked

Oh Cameron is my twin sister but I don't know where she is. Tracy sent her somewhere when were eight. Cori said with her head down

Why did she separate you from your sister? I asked

Well we're identical so she was having trouble telling us apart. So she told me Cameron was going to stay with a friend then someone came to pick her up and I haven't seen her since. She said

Um your results came back but I'm going to take you back to my house and get you two cleaned up . I told her

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