Its my only choice

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"Ward you need to die" i know It sounds bad but it sounded better in my head
"What!! Sorry what did you say??" He asked with a scared look on his face like he thought I actually would kill him "act dead ward please just trust me" I said whilst putting my hand in his gunshot wound on his leg
"Why Skye please tell me what going on ?"
I only have 40 seconds to explain "i told you hydra are in horse back so no cars which means walking and you can't walk so when they take me they will kill you if your still breathing"
"Skye please don't do this"
"Ward stop, they know your wounded so when they walk through that door you will be dead and they won't have to kill you"
"That's your plan?? No I'm not doing that I'm not letting you get taken no way!" He said like he was actually trying to persuade me he knows once my mind is set to something there's no way you can change it
"Ward please you have to trust me if you sit there alive you get killed and I will still get taken you have to do this ward please!" I know he won't go along with it so I had to take the drastic measure "I'm sorry ward"
I hit him in the head if hadn't done that he would have got him self killed I had to it was my only choice
"I'm sorry ward may we meet again"
Hydra agents pour in
All I can see is hydra agents 4 in sight I wouldn't let them take me without a fight so I swing the first punch them again then again and again 2 down 2 to go but then...
'Punch kick punch' All I feel is my ribs cracking may face screeching I can't get up with out my chest feeling like its exploded 2 hydra agent pick me up and take me to the horses and tie me to the back of the saddle the only thing that is keeping me going is the fact that ward is ok and that
I love him

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