Episode 7: Rescue

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Up in the Loonatics Tower, Sonic and Zero were watching a movie with two visitors, Mark and Josh

Sonic: *clearly bored* Why are we watching this again?

Mark: Why not? It's a 1960s classic cartoon! Oh don't you love classics?

Sonic: no

Josh: Oh my! I've never heard someone say that

Sonic: Oh gee what a wonderful discovery

Zero: I wonder how these old reels still survive after hundreds of years, you two must be good at preserving stuff 

Mark: Indeed we are!

Josh: Oh yes, we love antiques!

Sapphire: Who's hungry?

Sonic: ME!

Sapphire: Okay, great, I'm ordering pizza now

Diego: I'll tell my Familia you guys want the usual

Sonic: Perfect

Diego: I'll get em! *Dashes out*

Zero: You really love to eat, Sonic?

Sonic: Yes I love food

Zero: Of course you do

Ace and Lexi enter the room back from having time out together

Ace: Hey what we miss?

Sonic: Nothing

Josh: Oh hello, sir Ace!

Ace: Oh! Mark and Josh! Nice to see you here

Mark: We just came by to visit, good sir!

Lexi: Like the tower?

Josh: We certainly do, dear Lexi

Then, Ace got a call from Zadavia.

Ace: Guys, Zadavia's calling! *replies the call*

Zadavia: Loonatics, I have reports of something... interesting and-- Where is Diego?

Diego: *burst in* Here's the--oh hello Zadavia

Zadavia: Hello Diego

Ace: Okay, um, you were saying?

Zadavia: When I returned with Optimatus, my researchers came across a strange distress signal

Ace: What is it?

Zadavia: It was from a lost planet, and it came from a Frelengian ship called The Orion. In other words...My parents may still be alive

Duck: *spits out his juice* What??

Tris: I thought they perished in a cosmic storm!?

Zadavia: Me too

Zero: So what's the plan? Find out whether their alive or not?

Zadavia: I believe so

Tech: We can use the Supersonic Transport to get there, I just finished installing the new M24 Megathrusters.

Ace: Great

Zadavia: Deuce, Royal Tweetums and Sylth Vester are also coming to help

Ace: We'll be on our way

Meanwhile far in the Morningstar's ship

??: We CAN'T let Shiro and Edenia return to Freleng!! It'd be the end of everything I've worked for!!

Morningstar: Oh calm yourself

??: You don't understand! You have got to send your midgets and at least a small batch of your super androids to dispose of them!

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