Episode 5: Galactic Jam! Part 2

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Last time on Loonatics ReEnergized!

Olympic commander: The basketball team! they are all injured an unable to play! We are doomed!

Zadavia: *gasps* Are there others that will volunteer?

Olympic commander: I'm afraid not, your majesty! Whatever are we going to do??

Zadavia: *calm, motherly tone* Hello, Loonatics

Ace: Hey Z

Zero: What can we do for you?

Zadavia: Nothing diabolical or destructive, this is just a request, you don't have to accept

Pierre: Ooh, you don't mind if we could come, right?

Rip:...Ha! HAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh..Pierre, i'm sorry this is superhero stuff, not a perfume seller

Ace: *stares at his meal* Hmm..

Lexi: *takes a bite herself*....Oh my god

Tris: What? What is it?

Lexi: It's..it's great!

Zadavia: Before I join the crowd, Loonatics. Remember, there is no fatal consequences if you lose, you won't be forced to become slaves or end up in a digital realm for all eternity, it's just win or lose. The best of luck and it's only a game, just have fun

Ace: We will Z

Atlas: May the best teams win

Ace: You're on

the teams get in their respect positions. The first Loonatics are Ace, Lexi, Sonic, Zero, Tris and Duck

Voice announcer: Game On!!

Find out what happens next on Loonatics ReEnergized!

Ace, Lexi, Sonic, Duck, Zero and Tris walks to court, looking ready to SLAM.

Zero: *clicks neck* Let's get this over with

The first Vulcan Gnarlies are Drakkon, Atlas, Yusei, Kiryu, Amaza and Jaden.

they walk to court ready to slam with the Loonatics

a small intelligent creature known as a Gnarly came up carrying the ball

Gnarly: Ready?

both teams nod

The Gnarly throws the ball in the air.

the horn blares, Ace hits the ball and it heads to Sonic

Sonic: *catches it and dribbles it* I got it! I got it! I got the ball! I got the ball-- *gets hit* Yikes!

Kiryu: Sorry, no you don't! *has the ball and passes to Jaden*

Jaden: Got it! *he spins around and manages to dunk the first score for the team*



Deuce: Well damn

Sapphire: You can do this guys!

Zero: *takes the ball next* Outta my way! *charges through and dunks aggressively*



Drakkon: *whistles* Not bad

Ace has the ball but they cornered him.

Tris: Ace! Over here!

He couldn't see her so he decided to throw at someone and its Duck who has the ball

Loonatics ReEnergized: Season 3Where stories live. Discover now