Episode 4: Galactic Jam! Part 1

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In Frelengs central palace, upcoming was the Freleng Galactic Olympics, a great event for Galactic athletes to show their prowess and win/lose in intense games

Zadavia: *performing her Royal duties*

Olympic commander: Princess Zadavia! Princess Zadavia! *Runs in* All hell has broken loose!

Zadavia: What!? What's going on!?

Olympic commander: All our teams are ready for the Freleng Galactic Olympics... except one!

Zadavia: Who?

Olympic commander: The basketball team! they are all injured an unable to play! We are doomed!

Zadavia: *gasps* Are there others that will volunteer?

Olympic commander: I'm afraid not, your majesty! Whatever are we going to do??

Zadavia: Hmm... *she thinks for a second but then she remembered her guests coming here* Hold on...I might have an idea

Olympic commander: Who?

On Acmetropolis, in the gym room of their tower, a basketball falls through the hoop

Rip: Hell yeah!

Tech: Nice shot!

Lexi: Watch and learn, boys! *Takes the ball, avoids Slam and dunks*

Ace: Woo! That's my girl!

Sonic: This is so much fun!

Pierre stands there, looking nervous.

Pierre: Are you sure I can do this?

Zero: C'mon, you visited and wanted to chill out with us for a reason

Pierre: Um okay

Sapphire: *enters drinking some protein milk* Oh, hey Pierre

Pierre: Oh, hello, m-mademoiselle

Tess: Hey, Saph! Heads up! *tosses the ball*

Sapphire: *catches it*

Pierre: Wow *his stink begins flowing*

Sonic: *smells it* Ack! Blegh!

Lexi: *holding her nose* Maybe use one of the perfumes you sell Pierre..

Pierre: Well, I did and it didn't work, almost, it only lasted 5 minutes

Sapphire: Maybe you should use some Furshine *takes the ball and dunks*

Pinkster: N-N-N-Nice sh-sh-shot!

Sapphire: Thanks

Diego: Pinky, amigo, glad to see you ain't always around cars

Pinkster: W-W-W-W-Well, I also like volleyball and soccer

Tech: *whistles to get everyones attention*

Ace: Huh?

Tech: Zadavia's calling

Gorlop: You mean that weird purple lady?


Duck: *to Gorlop, Pierre and Pinkster* I think you guys better leave, superhero business

Pierre: Oh don't worry, just pretend we're not here

they gather at the meeting room when Zadavia's hologram came on

Zadavia: *calm, motherly tone* Hello, Loonatics

Ace: Hey Z

Zero: What can we do for you?

Zadavia: Nothing diabolical or destructive, this is just a request, you don't have to accept

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