Confessions- confessions galore.

Start from the beginning

"I know. I want to though, I-it might help me, yes?" Izuku asked, not looking up from the soft gray carpet.

"Maybe, It might help you understand some more about yourself and help with how your therapist helps you."

"Hm, yeah, I-i'd like to do the test, I want to finish it too," Izuku looked up to meet Aizawa's worried eyes, "I'll be fine dad, and you'll be right outside if I need you."

That's when Dr. Autumn returns with some paper and pens, "ready to begin?"

"Y-yes," Izuku responds and gives Aizawa a nod that he can leave.

"I'll be out here," Aizawa says as he walks out of the room, closing the door behind him. There was a chair right next to the door and Aizawa sat there alert, just in case his kid needed help. After a while, he relaxes a bit and his mind drifts to next week's classes and the approaching trial.

While Aizawa waited, Izuku was taking the test. Before the test started Dr. Autumn read some instructions and what the test tests were for.

"This IQ test measures several factors of intelligence, namely logical reasoning, math skills, language abilities, spatial relations skills, knowledge retained, and the ability to solve novel problems. This test is supposed to assess your intellectual potential, not your performance under stress. Therefore, there is no time limit. Carefully read every question and select your answer. You will need to select an answer for every question. Some questions are designed to be very difficult. If you cannot figure out the answer, simply select I don't know and move on. Alright, that's it, ready?"


Izuku takes about 45 minutes to finish the 60-question test. There were only a few questions that he felt the need to guess or change his thinking. The hardest part for him was the word connections, although he has a decent vocabulary some of the words he didn't recognize but did his best with the context given. He felt pretty good about the test when stepping out of the room.

"Hey Izu, how'd it go?" Aizawa asked as they were heading back to the front of the office.

"Good, I think I did pretty well,"

"That's good, no matter how you do, you are still the best kid I know," Aizawa ruffled his hair. They were taken to the front desk where Aizawa paid and was told that the test results should be mailed to them within a week.

When they entered their home they were met with the smells of dinner and small chatter. Aizawa and Izuku looked at each other confused, no one but Yamada was supposed to be here tonight. The boys entered taking off their shoes and walking into the kitchen where they see Yamada standing over the stove cooking and making chatter with a blond spiky-haired boy and a two-toned boy.

"Hey babe, what with the guests?" Aizawa said when realizing the 3 didn't notice their entrance.

"Oh! Hun, you're home," Yamada puts down his spatula and goes to hug and kiss Aizawa. "And hello Zuzu," he leans down and gives Izuku a hug as well. "We have some guests as you've seen, they came over to hang out. Go over there and join them Zuzu, dinner will be done soon."

Izuku nodded and ran over to the other boys who were sitting in the dining room.

"Babe, why did they come over? Not that I'm mad Izu has friends over but it seems kinda unplanned?" Aizawa says, keeping his voice low and hands on his hips of Yamada.

"Well, it was unplanned for us at least, heh. They didn't even show up at the same time. Bakugou showed up first, he brought flowers, clearly, his mom made him bring them but he wanted to hang out with Izuku and so I let him in to wait. Then Todoroki showed up, but 30 minutes later, he brought some snacks and drinks, and some wine for us. So I invited him in too."

I jumped... but I was saved. (Dadzawa)Where stories live. Discover now