"Remus, what the hell happened?" Roman gently touched remuss cheek and Remus realized he probably cried off all the makeup he was wearing to cover the bruising.

"I'm done." Remus pulled away from Roman. "I've done all I can to protect you and prince Logan, you can yell at me and call me disgusting all you want but just know...it wasn't what I wanted to happen." Remus walked out of the bedroom and started walking down the halls to the library as more tears fell down his face. He was taken advantage of. All he wanted was to protect his brother and all his brother does is yell at him and then tell him his own parents find him disgusting?? How fucked up is that! Remus sat down at a window and looked across the kingdom. He took a deep breathe and closed his eyes relaxing against the window. Not realizing he was falling asleep in a vulnerable area of the castle.


Janus looked up at the sleeping prince in the window and sighed as he helped him down and carried him to Januss room since it was closer. He placed him down on the bed and covered him up, noticing the hickeys that covered him januss eyes widened. "Who did this..." he tapped Remuss forehead and was brought into a memory.

***remuss memory***

"Please my brother is no threat to the kingdom you can't just lock him away!" Remus argued with the king. Two other guards were in the room.

"He kidnapped my son, he is a threat to us all."

"No! Logan went with him to find that dragon!" Remus covered his mouth quickly and backed away. "I-."

"HE WHAT!?" The king stood up and walked over to Remus. He calmed down and smiled at Remus. "How about dinner?" Remus followed the king confused on the sudden attitude change. They entered the dining hall and the king gestured at his guards to also drink some. Remus looked at the glass and then shook his head as he ate. "Are you not thirsty?"

"It's alcohol sir, in my kingdom, if you are under the age of eighteen you may not drink alcohol. I am only seventeen sir and I-."

"You are not in your kingdom son, so drink up or I will find this as an act of defiance and I will have you and your brother beheaded." Remus stared in horror.

"Over this!?" Remus screamed.

"Over him kidnapping my son, and you hiding their location from me." Remus took the glass and slowly drank. He coughed when it was done. That was some strong stuff.

"I am going to go, but only after you agree." Remus stood but wobbled a bit. "If you allow my brother to not be charged, not thrown in a cell." Remus took a deep breathe. "I will become one of your servants. I will serve your every word and I will never argue with you about any of your demands. But only if you allow my brother to not be thrown in a cell and charged with kidnapping." The king smirked.

"It's a deal then." He poured more alcohol into remuss cup. "Stay and drink with us my boy." Remus but his lip and sat down drinking more of the disgusting alcohol.

***an hour later***

The guards were dragging Remus to his room and Remus was wobbling all over the place. The king chuckled. "Bring him to my room actually." Remus blacked out after that.

***the next day***

Remus woke up in his bed. He shook himself awake enough to sit up and suddenly felt sore and he looked down in horror. He was covered in hickeys, and he stood to look at himself in the mirror his ass was red. He had whip lashes all down his back, and chain marks on his wrist and ankles. He gagged and ran over to a bucket throwing up. He took some water and went to the bathroom showering quickly. When he got out he looked at himself in the mirror in disgust. Tears fell down his face as he covered up all the bruises and hickeys. Those fucking monsters raped him! Remus shook as he sat down in his bed and pulled his knees to his chest.

The truth inside the curse (Sanderssides fan fiction) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat