You're Supposed To Be Dead

Start from the beginning

"I figured they would learn about that soon enough," Isaac said, sitting down on a stair.

"Yeah. They just couldn't figure out an explanation." Theo told them. The pack whispered between themselves before one man spoke up.

"Isaac, what have you been hiding from us?" the man asked.

"It's ok, Paul. He was only hiding it for our protection." M said.

"Yeah, Meg, but how are we supposed to trust an alpha who keeps things from us?" A young woman asked.

"Dammit, Cris. You weren't supposed to say her name!" Another woman said.

"Shit. Sorry." Cris said.

Theo fought the urge to laugh. "Meg, huh? I'm guessing short for Megan?" He asked.

Megan nodded. "Yeah. Cris, it's ok. Serena, don't give her such a hard time. Everybody messes up sometimes." She said, switching from the voice that Theo had heard her use to a more motherly tone.

"Alright, guys. Let's go." Ben said, getting up. "If we stay longer, we're only going to give out more info the alphas are trying to keep hidden, like Megan's last name and where we were last year. Come on."

"But Ben, Isaac still hasn't told us what he's been hiding from us," Alan said.

"Dude, they'll tell us later. It's fine." Ben told him.

"Fine," Alan said. They followed Ben outside, leaving Isaac, Megan and Theo alone.

"So, what did you find out about me?" Isaac asked.

"That you're supposed to be dead."

Isaac's face fell. "Right. That."

"Yeah. That. So that's probably something that should be cleared up at some point."

"Well, it's none of your business," Isaac said.

Theo interlocked his fingers and put them behind his head, smirking. "I thought you wanted to know what they found out?" he asked.

"Hey, it's alright," Megan said, putting her hand on Isaac's shoulder. "Anything else?" she asked.

"Nah. You guys seem to pretty much just keep to yourselves."

"Yeah. Safer to keep a low profile, you know?" Megan said to which Theo nodded.

"What are you doing here anyway?" Isaac asked, cutting in.

"Just thought I might as well get to know you guys better and what your deal is."

"So, what? You finally realized your so-called friends don't like you? That you're lonely?" Isaac asked.

"Hey, man, I'm just here because of you guys. You're the one who came into town all mysterious trying to recruit me in your cult." Theo said.

Isaac rolled his eyes. "Babe, chill. Go talk a walk?" Megan suggested. Isaac huffed but stepped out.

"Jeez, someone needs to learn to relax." Theo chided.

"Shut up, ok?" Megan said, meeting his eyes. "The dead guy thing isn't exactly something he's proud of."

"Yeah, people don't usually hide dead bodies that they're proud of." Theo retorted.

"Listen, ok? You don't know anything about it. But it's not my secret alone to tell. Just calm down. We'll explain it later." Megan said.

"Hey, I don't really care what upsets the little princess, ok? I just want to know what the hell you guys need me for."

Megan sighed, and rubbed at her temples. "Haven't we talked about this several times? We need you because you bring special skills to the table. Lying, controlling, your heartbeat." He cut her off.

"Yeah, I got that part. What I meant is why? You trying to make your own group of Avengers or something?"

"No. I'm trying to build a better pack that stands a chance." Megan said, letting her words linger in the air.

"A chance against what? Do you know something the rest of us don't?" Theo asked, bewildered. After the war with Monroe, he assumed that they were mostly safe now. There hadn't been much going on recently with new supernaturals or threats, but she sounded like she knew something. "What do you know?"

"What do you know?" He asked her again as she refused to meet his eye-line.

"We're being hunted." She said abruptly. "My pack and I. And not just by regular hunters." She admitted. "I've been trying to keep it from the rest of them, but.." she trailed off.

"When you say 'not by regular hunters', what exactly do you mean?" He asked, tilting his head slightly, intrigued.

"They're smarter than other hunters. Faster. Stronger." She winced. "The guy in the apartment was one of them. He went after us. He was one of Monroe's guys."

Theo nodded slowly, processing everything. "How are they stronger? Smarter?"

"They know things other hunters couldn't know. Like they have a supernatural creature helping them."

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