You're Supposed To Be Dead

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Theo showed up at the Hale house at 11 AM. Enough time for the puppy pack and him to have gotten their breakfast at the dinner to discuss their plan further. Theo had been surprised that Scott had given the go-ahead. It wasn't usually in his nature to be deceiving. There must be something going there, but Theo didn't really want to worry about it. He wasn't his alpha, and as long as he didn't hurt Liam, Scott could do whatever he wanted to. It wasn't Theo's problem if Scott was snapping at old allies or if he was out of character. None of this would be his problem if it weren't for the fact that these strangers wanted Theo.

He sighed and walked up the stairs and knocked on the door. He heard the whispers of confusion on the other side of the door and rolled his eyes. Open the door dammit, he thought to himself. It was only early October, but it was starting to get a bit cold out. With that thought, the door finally opened.

On the other side stood Isaac solid as a statue. "Hey." He said when he took in Theo's presence.

"Mind if I come in?" Theo asked.

Isaac hesitated but stepped aside to let Theo in. Theo walked in and shut the door behind him. He took in the scene in front of him. The entrance area now had candles suspended in the air by an unforeseen force. Aside from that oddity, the room seemed relatively normal aside from the group of several twenty-somethings all gathered together on blow-up mattresses and strung up tee-shirts to cover the windows. The group were all seemingly more interested in himself than the levitating candles.

"So, what brings you by?" M asked him. He had barely noticed the short brunette in the group of strangers.

"Well, I've been thinking about what you said," Theo replied, trying to focus on the plan that Liam and he had spent most of the night and several hours of the morning arguing about. "And I thought that maybe I haven't treated you with enough respect."

Many of the werewolves' eyes blew wide, taking in Theo's words. He thought that might seem out of left field, but his lying skills were a little rusty. "I'll say," Ben said under his breath. A few of the pack members chuckled at that, which helped to ease some of the tension.

M smiled. "So, what can I help you with then?"

"I want to know more. Why exactly you want me." He informed her.

She nodded and gave another sweet smile. "Well, Isaac and I can definitely answer those questions for you. As long as you answer some of mine."

He knew that she would have wanted to know something. Neither could trust each other without knowing a bit about the other first. That was just how these things went. They both needed to know that they would have information that might make it worthwhile if something went south. "Of course. What do you want to know?"

M opened her mouth to speak, but Isaac cut her off. "How do we know we can trust you?"

"Because I'm here." He replied. "And I'm by myself. You can check the woods if you want to, but you won't find anyone from the McCall pack."

"Right. And when we go outside, there'll be a group of them waiting to get us?" A tall brown-haired man asked.

"Alan, relax," M said. "It's true. Ben would have figured it out if he had come with others. Right Ben?" she asked him.

Ben nodded. "Yeah, there's nobody ou there except a couple of deer and rabbits." He answered.

"Right. Thanks, Ben. But that's actually not what I was going to ask. I was going to ask if the pack had been successful in finding out anything about us." M said.

"Well, not much you can find on just an initial, but they did learn something about Isaac," Theo revealed.

"Right." M nodded. The other members in the pack looked at him with confusion and looked between each other, trying to figure out if someone else knew what was going on.

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