When Boy Meets Boy

Start from the beginning

"Small talk, huh?" Alec shrugged. "Canada, actually. What about you?"

"Lived in LA a while. You born or bitten?"

"Bitten." Ben replied, cringing internally at the memory. It hadn't exactly been a good one.

"Same here. It takes some time getting used to, doesn't it?" Ben nodded.

"Yeah, it's pretty shitty. How long have you been a werewolf?" He asked.

Alec looked at his hands and counted on his fingers. Ben smiled. "About 6 years?" Alec said, not quite sure.

"Congratulations. I found the first five to be the hardest."

"How long have you?"

"Five." Ben said, giving a small smile.

"How old were you? Sorry if that's a little personal."

Ben thought about it. He had never really been the type to just open up with someone this easily. It hadn't even been this simple with Megan or Isaac, and he considered them his best friends, along with the rest of the pack. Ben didn't know if it was the nicotine in his system, the wolfsbane or if it had something to do with Alec, himself, but Ben felt comfortable. "I was eighteen, barely out of high school. Me-" he stopped himself. "M found me and bit me after I was attacked. It's kind of a long story."

Alec nodded. "Yeah, Scott and Argent found me a couple of months after I was turned. It was a hard couple of months. I was lucky they found me when they did." He said, stomping out his cig on the ground and picking it up. He put it in his pocket. Ben lifted an eyebrow questioningly. "Gotta keep until I find a garbage. Can't just leave it in your yard. Don't want the neighbours getting the wrong idea about me."

Ben chuckled. "Yeah, definitely wouldn't want that." He turned off the cig on the side of the fence around the porch and rested it on the ledge.

"Alec!" A young man with light brown hair called.

"Be right there, Li!" Alec yelled back. "I'll see you sometime soon, alright?" He asked before shoving his hand in his pocket to retrieve something. "Here," he said, handing Ben the small sheet of paper. "Call me sometime." Ben looked at the folded piece of paper.

"Is this a business card?" He asked. "What is this 1992?"

"Hey, man, I wasn't even born yet!" Alec called over his shoulder as he headed toward his friends. Ben chuckled and put the card in his pocket and smiled to himself.

The door behind Ben opened. "Who was that?" Megan asked in a singsong voice.

"Like you weren't listening in."

"Alright, you caught me." She said, putting her hands up in mock surrender. She leaned over the railing. "You like him?" she asked.

"I just met him."

"But you kept the card. Ergo, you'll call him."

"I might. Might not." He shrugged.

"You should. He seemed nice. Besides, he wouldn't have given you his number if he didn't like you."

"Or he was just being nice." He said, looking at her. "What makes you think he's even into guys?"

She shrugged. "Just a feeling I got. It seems like most of the baby pack's into dudes."

"Because they spend their time with only guys?"

"Dude, c'mon. I know I'm right. Just text him, and when he asks you out, you can tell me I was right! And I want an invite to your wedding."

"We literally just met, Meg!"

"Sucks. I'm already working on your wedding invitations. Can I be your maid of honour?"

He gave her a playful shove as he felt himself blush. "Shut up."

"Nah, and you know I hate it when you smoke." She wrinkled her nose. "You smell like death."

"Yeah, well, you don't smell much better."

"I took a shower earlier!"

"Bathing in a river does not count."

She shrugged. "It works well enough. Isaac thinks we'll be able to break into the high school to get some real showers soon."

Ben nodded. "Maybe you should let Paul go on a stealing spree. We'll need shampoo, conditioner, body wash, soap, more toothpaste, more deodorant."

"He can get a three in one."

"With what money? Are you sure you still need your car?"

"Don't you dare touch my Beetle! I need her!" She pointed a finger at him.

"It's from 2001. It's not like we'd even get much for it."

"Oi. Megan is not getting rid of her car! I've spent way too much time fixing that thing!" Alan said, appearing seemingly out of nowhere.

"Yeah, and I've spent way too many hours sleeping in that car." Serena said from above them. Ben looked up to see her, Cris, and Paul sitting on the roof.

"Guys, how long have you been up there?"

"Long enough to know you have a creepy crush on the emo kid." Paul said.

"It is not a crush, and it is not creepy!" Ben groaned.

"You wish, dude." Isaac said from inside the house. Megan smiled.

"I hate all of you so much." Ben groaned.

The Hunt For a Pack [A Teen Wolf Thiam Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now