Chapter 1

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Pyrrha: So Jaune is expelled?

Team JNPR are now in Ozpin's office. When Ozpin gave them the News that Jaune is expelled in Beacon due to his transcripts being revealed.

Ren: Headmaster, is there any other way we can change your mind.

Ozpin: I'm sorry, but the decision of the Council is Final. I tried my best to reason with them but with Mr. Winchester's father in the council it was impossible for me to make Mr. Arc here stay at Beacon.

Pyrrha: But Headmaster you must realize that Jaune isnt the only one with crimes. Surely we can make a compromise on this.

Ozpin: I'm sorry Ms. Nikos if Ms. Belladonna's origins gets find out, there would be repricussions.

Nora: Are you kidding me?! Team RWBY broke laws by engaging the White Fang at the docks and they get off scott free!!!! This isnt fair!!

Ren: Also Headmaster people will find out about Blake considering she didnt even bother to hide her last name.

Nora: And What about Yang?! Didnt Ruby tell us she trashed a club just because they didnt have information?!

Pyrrha: Yes. She did and got away with it too. Headmaster by looking at all of this, it seems you're favoring Team RWBY over everyone else.

Ozpin: I assure you Miss Nikos that is not what it looks like.

Pyrrha: Well it sure looks like it!!

Jaune: Enough! All of you! There's nothing we could do now. The damage has been done.

Ren: This isnt fair to you Jaune and you know it.

Jaune: I know Ren and that's why once I leave Beacon. I'll find another way to be a Huntsman. Count on it.

Pyrrha: Then we'll join you.

Jaune: Oh that's great- wait WHAT?!

Ren: Its like as what Pyrrha said Jaune we'll be joining you.

Jaune: But guys, you have everything you need to be Huntsmen if you go with me. It would take much longer than staying here in Beacon.

Pyrrha: We know Jaune, but you have to remember we're a Team we have to stick together and watch each others back.

Nora: She's right! I don't want Team JNPR to be broken! It won't be the same without Fearless Leader!

Jaune just smiles that his Team is willing to stay with him despite his transcripts.

Pyrrha: Then It's decided.

Team JNPR looks at Ozpin

Pyrrha: Headmaster, me, Ren, and Nora would like to leave Beacon and look for other methods to be Huntsmen. We Thank you for all the things you have taught us in Beacon and for that we are grateful.

Ozpin: I see.....then good luck on your new journey Team JNPR. I hope you would return to Beacon someday.

Pyrrha: Of course Headmaster.

The Team said their final goodbye to Ozpin as they head to the Elevator to their dorms and pack their things.

Jaune: You know you guys didnt have to do this.

Pyrrha: Jaune you need to listen. We are a Team we stick together till the end.

Nora: Yeah! Team JNPR forever!!!

Ren: Nora not to loud.

They arrived in their dorms and began packing all their things.

Jaune: So where do we go once we leave Beacon?

Pyrrha: Our best chance is to head to Mistral, maybe we could find there that would help us. With my status there It's going to be easy.

Jaune: If we need a place to stay we could head to Argus. My sister lives there, we could stay there for a whole until we have enough money to buy an apartment.

Then they hear a knock on the Door.

Ren: Wonder who that could be?

Ren opens the door and they see Ruby.

Ren: What do you want?

Nora: You got balls showing up here after what your Team did!!

Ruby: I just wanted to see how you guys are doing after what happened.

Jaune: We're great, thanks for asking. Now do you mind leaving. My Team needs to head to the nearest Bullhead before they leave.

Ruby: Wait? Where are you guys going?

Jaune: We're heading to Mistral. Ive been expelled and my Team is leaving to join me.

Ruby: Wait you're all leaving?

Pyrrha: Yes Ruby we are. Jaune can't stay here, we decided to go with him since were his teammates, his family.

Ruby: On I-I-I see.

Ren: Where's the rest of your Team Ruby?

Ruby: In Vale out in a nightclub.

Ren: Figures.

Jaune: Come on guys the next Bullhead to Mistral leaves in 10 minutes we need to go.

Pyrrha: Sorry we have to cut this conversation short but we need to go.

As Team JNPR grabs their bags and head out of their dorm. Ruby just watches as her friends leave.

Ruby: Will I still see you guys again?

They all stop as they look at Ruby.

Jaune: Who knows Crater Face. Maybe someday, I can't see you again Ruby not with your Team preventing me to.

Pyrrha: I guess this is goodbye Ruby.

Ruby: Yeah.....

Jaune: Come on guys let's go wouldnt want to meet Yang and Weiss on the way to the Bullhead.

Ren: Right.

Nora nods as the Three of them leave as Pyrrha looks at Ruby one last time.

Pyrrha: Goodbye Ruby.

Ruby: Goodbye Pyrrha.

Pyrrha catches up to her Team as Ruby is left alone in the hallway as tears come out from her face.

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