Taking a Risk

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Been playing around in my head about this idea!! Here is a preview! Should I continue?! 💗

You are a sweaty trembling mess as you sit in the waiting area for your interview. The whole point of being a writer was so you never had to endure the bright scorching spotlight. To be able to succeed you knew you ultimately had to put yourself out there. That did not mean your anxiety would suddenly be put on hold.

"Y/N!" A blonde man calls out pushing his glasses up as he gazes at his clipboard. You nervously raise your hand and he gives you a once over, his frown evident. "We'll, come on we don't have all day." You take in a breath and force yourself off the couch, the soft cushions felt like quicksand.

"I'm sorry..." you mutter as you shuffle your binder of songs finding the one you wanted to share. You curse the bills that have begun piling up for making you take a leap into a larger paying job. The stern man opens the door and shuffles you into the office space.

Fuck their beautiful.... Your brain shouts and you feel your anxiety kick up even more. The Cursed Ones were rising to stardom quickly. Their looks alone could be the ticket to their fame but of course they were talented as well. You refused to work for a generic pop group and they seemed like a good compromise. Their sound haunted your dreams as if they were trying to scream but could only use music as the outlet.

Currently Geto and Gojo the fronts of the band were goofing off completely ignoring what was taking place. Choso the shy bass player looked at you then back down at his notes. Toji the giant drummer smirked as you met his gaze, a shiver of fear automatically raced up your spine.

Now that you were awkwardly standing in front of them they seemed like gods. "Hey..." you shuffle your feet avoiding eye contact at all costs.

"We'll go on..." you hear Gojo grumble as if he would rather be anywhere else but here. Geto snickered beside him. You lift up your lyrics, your hands shaking and begin.

You get lost in the memory that was resurfaced singing the song you had written. When you stopped the entire room was completely silent. You slowly look up and are met with wide eyes. Even the stoic manager had their mouth slightly open.

"What's your name again?" Gojo asked after regaining his composure.

"Ooo um its y/n, y/n l/n." You mutter softly as they continue to gawk at you. Maybe this song was too personal. Maybe you should have chosen something more relatable and catchy. You began doubting yourself.

"Kento..." Getou spoke up suddenly and you look up at him. His dark eyes were studying you as if he could see into your very soul. "We're done here. Unless any of you disagree." You watch as they all shake their heads.

"I see." The blonde manager replies and motions for you to follow.

"Thanks for your time!" You say in passing and they all smile at you.

"No thank you doll." Toji's deep voice instinctively made you bite your lip. You wave and they all start laughing. You wondered if you had ruined their day or if you were just a joke to them.

You nervously follow the manager out and he holds out his hand to you. You shake his hand with a raised eyebrow. "Welcome to the band. I will need you in the studio next week. Text me for the information." The man they referred to as Kento explains.

"Wait... are you serious?" You say a bit taken back. He simply nods and hands you his business card. "Well thanks so much!" You smile and hug him. Kento tenses up immediately and you jump back embarrassed. "Sorry!" You say blushing at your reaction.

"It's fine. Just be on time when I call for you." Nanami mutters and clears his throat. "And y/n..." he stops you as you turn to leave, "be careful with them." His gaze darkens in a strange warning and a foreboding feeling comes to the surface.

"Ok..." you say confused and he waves you off, obviously done talking. With that last ominous expression you make your way to the exit. Excited but nervous for the next stage in your life.

 Excited but nervous for the next stage in your life

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