Sunjay- Fluff

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"Sunoo are you ready?" Jay asked worried that they'd be late for their reservation.

"ALMOST JUST HAVE TO GRAB SOMETHING!" Sunoo shouted back from their room.

Jay was already at the door waiting for his boyfriend to finish. It was their 2nd anniversary and Jay had planned something special for the two of them. He had the entire night planned and paid, wanting to see the love of his life happy.

Sunoo came rushing from their shared room into the living room then almost running into Jay.

"Careful love. You're going to get hurt." Jay said holding onto Sunoo's shoulders.

"Haha, sorry." He replied feeling a bit embarrassed.

Even though they've been together for 2 years now Sunoo still gets giddy and shy whenever Jay calls him cute pet names or makes sweet comments.

"Okay now let's go before we're late." He said gently pushing the younger outside and shutting the door then locking it.

They got into Jays car and started making their way to the mysterious place Sunoo doesn't know about. Jay thought it'd be more romantic if it was a surprise. So every time he'd whine about not knowing Jay would simply say "You'll see when we arrive."

They sat in comfortable silence as Jay hummed to the music playing on the radio and Sunoo was on his phone.

Sunoo was texting Niki when he suddenly felt a weight on his thigh. He looked down and saw Jays hand resting there. His heart fluttered and he felt his face heat up. Jay chuckled a bit before moving his hand to intertwine it with his boyfriend's.

Sunoo gladly locked hands with Jay and let out a calm sigh, melting into the passenger seat feeling a wave of comfort coming over him. He loves physical touch. It's his love language.

Sunoo looked over to Jay with loving eyes as he watched the older drive them to the unknown location. He loves Jay with all his heart. If he could he would never let go of his hand.

The two had became attached the second they met, instantly clicking with each other.

They had met through a mutual friend, Jungwon. He had been friends with both of them for a long while. One day, Sunoo had been having troubles at home and ran over to Jungwons without warning him. That's when he met Jay, his now boyfriend.

It's quiet strange though.

Not expecting any one else but Jungwon to open the door, Sunoo's immediately tackled Jay with a hug crying in his arms thinking it was his best friend Jungwon.

Jay just stood there shocked at the small boy that just ran into his arms almost throwing them both to the ground. Shocked, Jay stood there wondering what was going on and Sunoo just kept crying, staining his shirt with wet tears.

Eventually though, he came to his senses and rubbed the strangers back softly whispering "it's okay"s and "don't cry"s here and there.

Sunoo still too busy in his own mind and trying to steady his tears, didn't even realize the man he was bear hugging wasn't his best friend.

After a few minutes, all that was heard from the younger was small sniffles and snores. Jay looked down at the boy still clinging onto him as if his life depended on it, and smiled. That's when he knew, he would take care of him from then on.

Truly a love story, right?

Back to the car. Sunoo looked to the road and admired the scenery. It's so calm and peaceful. No loud noises or crowds.

"Enjoying the view, love?" Jay asked glancing at Sunoo before putting his eyes back on the road.

"It's beautiful." He replied, completely amused.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2023 ⏰

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