Coffee Shop

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I still can't believe it's been two months of living in London. The fact that I get to go to college in London?? Insane. I've loved it. Right now I'm sitting in a coffee shop drawing. I looked up and realized I'd been in my own world. A barista was standing in front of me with my coffee and croissant. I paused my music.

"Oh, thank you!!" I said hurriedly and made room on the table for everything.

"Of course. Um, make sure you take a look at the napkin," she said cheekily. I gave her a confused look.

"The napkin?"

"Yeah," she said, then set everything down and walked off. I was still confused, then glanced at the napkin under my coffee and saw writing on it, but it was upside down. I turned the cup around so the writing on the napkin was facing me. this is what it said:

To girl in the lavender turtleneck,
Do you mind if I come see what you're drawing?
From, guy in the green jumper

OMG. I AM LIVING THE Y/N DREAM. I immediately looked up and saw him looking at me. He was so cute. He looked a lot like Kit Connor (Nick from Heartstopper) I was probably blushing and smiling like crazy, but I signaled that he could come over. He got up and came to my table. I cleared some room on the table for him to put his drink down. I looked up and he was standing in front of me. He didn't just look like Kit Connor, he was Kit Connor. What the fuck?? I decided in the moment to play it cool.

"Hey," he said. "Can I sit down?"

"Yeah, of course! Sorry, my stuff's kinda everywhere."

He sat down. "Oh it's fine! What's your name by the way?"

"Zoey," I said, looking into his eyes.

"Great, I'm Kit."

I wanted to say, of course I know your name, but instead I said, "Okay, I'm gonna be honest, I've seen Heartstopper so I do know who you are...which, literally, top 5 favorite shows. i love it so much." I thought he'd be upset that I already knew who he was, but he didn't seem to mind.

"That's so sweet. You know sometimes I forget people might recognize me from Heartstopper. It's weird—i don't know, conversation for another day i guess, but—"

I laughed. "It's okay!"

He chuckled. He seemed nervous. "Oh, but yeah I was curious what you were drawing."

"Oh yeah! I'm just sketching," I opened my sketchbook to the pages I was working on, showing him my sketches. There were different people from the coffee shop, a little cup of coffee, my croissant, all just drawings from observation.

"These are so good!" I could tell he actually really appreciated the drawings and thought they were nice. "You're so talented."

"Awe, thanks." I watched him look closer at some of the sketches. He handed me my sketchbook back when he was done looking.

"I just love art—I mean I'm not very good at making it—but I love looking at it."

"Yeah! I mean I haven't been in London long, but all the art I've seen around here, I've loved it."

"Oh, are you here for a trip, or did you just move?"

DUDE Kit was the sweetest, it seemed like he was interested in getting to know me. "Yeah I moved here for college about two months ago!"

"Oh wow! Wait, do you go to the art college?" He asked.

"Yeah! I love it there so far, classes have been really good."

"That's great! So you're liking London so far?"

"I am! It's so cool. It's just not being able to see my family has been kinda hard. And I feel like even though I explore London a little more everyday, there's still so much I haven't seen." I said.

"Oh yeah I totally get that. I'd love to—erm— show you around London? If you ever have time, or anything," he stuttered. Was he asking me out?? Or maybe just being friendly. Either way it made the blood rush to my cheeks.

"That would be so nice actually. I only really have one friend here so it would be good to make another," I smiled and he did too. Ugh his smile was so cute. "Um, I don't know how busy you are, but I could go walk around right now. But if you can't I totally understand."

"No, no, I'd love to go right now!" He seemed enthusiastic. "I really don't have anything going on today."

"Cool! Sorry, packing all this up is going to take a minute." I had to put back all the graphite pencils and colored pencils back in order in their tins, put the ballpoint pens in their little bag.

"It's okay!"

I started packing up. "That little note on the napkin by the way—that was so sweet—like, that made my day."

"Aw, yeah, I...tend to get nervous just going up to people and talking, so I thought that might be a good solution," He said, clearly still nervous.

When watching Heartstopper cast interviews I really didn't expect him to be more on the quiet side. He seemed outgoing and loud. Maybe just around people he knows.

"Yeah, that was definitely a good solution," I smiled up at him and he laughed.

"So did you move from the states?" He asked.

"Yeah! I used to live in Oregon, which, well, i don't know if you know where that is," he shook his head, "It's on the west coast. Right above California."

"Ohh, I see. That seems so far away!" Kit said, surprised.

"Yeah. It was a long flight. But it's definitely worth it."

"I'm so glad you like it here!" He said.

"Me too!" We both laughed. "Alright I am ready to go."

"Let's go!" Kit said, getting up and grabbing his coffee. I grabbed mine too and we made our way to the door, which he held open for me.

"Thanks," I said as I walked through.

"What do you wanna see?"

"I....don't know. Take me to your favorite parts of London!" I was really letting him take me wherever. Who am I?? Letting some guy who I just met take me around London.

"Ready to walk a lot?" He turned to me and asked with a smile on his face.


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