
Only silence responds.


Steve wakes up in cold sweat, the sense of dread still heavy in his chest along with old pain.

He is all grown up now, a man in his twenties.

They had looked for his brother in days that passed. The entire population of all several villages in the area. 

His uncle had even gone to the centurions, as much as he hated doing that. They didn't help. Instead, they questioned if their uncle had something to do with it. Who was he? Why was he not living in the city where it was safe? Was he a deserter? 

Stubborn villagers, same as the rest of their race! The guards that came looked with disdain on the people living in the village.

They ignore the rightful law of the king and ignore them, until they need help! Guards condemn the natives with curled lips. Him, the citizen of their Empire, a former centurion, should have known better! Did he abandon his regiment? Was he a deserter who chose to marry one of the natives? His son certainly looked like a mix, his head shaven bald in honor of local heathen traditions. 

The missing children were citizens and not of mixed blood? Well, that's a different matter. Why did he allow these kids to go all alone through woods at night when they knew how many dangers abounded there? The guards could not handle all such problems, when greater troubles had been on increase. Increased numbers of monsters, breaches to other realms, more powerful and devious monsters... Did they not hear the warning that had been proclaimed? 

As sad as it was, it was their own fault for not keeping better caution. Most likely, the child was dead.

The guards did merely a token search and retreated to the safety of the city. Several months later, it was only Steve's uncle and his oldest son, Notch, who still went out to search. 

Then came an attack on the village. Steve then froze still. He narrowed his eyes, looking into the fog. It was so eerily familiar. And he could swear that he saw a figure - his brother, silently standing with his face blank. His eyes glowed faint white.

Steve tried to tell his uncle, but his uncle merely dragged him away. There were monsters attacking and village houses burning.

And the next day, they looked at what remained of the village, and left. And Steve already doubted what he thought he saw.

They moved to live in the boundaries of a town. Many people from the county began to flee to safety of walls.

Steve's family was no exception.

And Notch did very well. They grew up. 


"Steve, they are demanding that we give up the monster... It's been three months, Steve. Whatever that thing is... it isn't him."

Notch's quiet voice slices across Steve's heart.

"Why did he not attack, then? Why did he come and watch me?"

"Steve..." Notch's tone is patient and his eyes full of sympathy. But, meeting his warm, brown eyes, Steve desperately searches and his heart falls.

His brother is too committed to his duty. To his responsibilities.

And Hero's uncanny appearances during monster attacks has become an evil omen. People fear him as much as they do the usual kind of monsters that tear apart flesh with teeth and claws.

But Steve even went out looking. He could almost swear that he could feel his brother's watchful presence. It was strange, but it wasn't evil.

His brother never attacked anyone. He just appeared, ever ghostlike in that fog, only to vanish away on approach. Still, Steve hoped.

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