"Would Rafe know?" James tries.

Remus shakes his head, "He didn't know them like that."

"We're going to find them, Moony." Sirius whispers, catching his eye, "I promise."

Remus almost believes him. He wants to believe him. But when he opens his eyes and sees Sirius looking at him with a glimmer of hope and determination, he remembers that he can't be trusted.

"Promise is a big word, Sirius." He mutters.

Kate reaches over to grab Sirius' hand and gives it a sympathetic squeeze. He was trying his best but the thread that kept Remus and Sirius connected was slowly splitting in two.


"Why do you think James pines after Lily when she's turned him down so often?" Remus asks as he, Pete and Sirius watch James talking to Lily.

"He likes the challenge I suppose." Sirius shrugs, "Not many people would turn James Potter down."

"Do you like Lily, Remus?" Pete asks suddenly, looking from the stunning redhead back to Remus again.

Remus shrugs and nods , "As a mate."

"Is there any girls you do fancy?" Pete quizzes, munching on crisps, "That girl you study with?"

"Kate?" Remus asks surprised, "Erm shes..erm.. a good mate."

"Katherine Adler?" Sirius frowns, "Lily's pal?"

"The one and only." Remus nods.

Sirius' eyes light up, "Go for it Moony. If you like her that is. She's fit."

"No." Remus shakes his head, "I'm not ruining my friendships with people for dumb crushes."

"Why how many dumb crushes on friends have you had?" Sirius laughs, sipping his drink and sighing loudly, "I could do with a cig, have you got any?"

Remus nods and stands up, "In my trunk. I'll grab them."

He was thankful for an escape. He didn't want to be around Sirius for longer than necessary, especially if they were talking about crushes. Sirius, of course, had other ideas.

Remus rummaged through his trunk looking for his packet of cigarettes. He mostly put his things away in the drawers and cupboards, but things like his books, cig's and vinyls stayed hidden in the trunk for safety.

"What's taking so long?" Sirius' voice comes from the doorway.

"Jesus Pads." Remus breathes out, steadying himself, "They're here."

He retrieves the packet and holds it above his head, waving it at impatiently at Sirius. Sirius waltzes over and grabs the cigs from his hand, he takes one and placed it behind his ear. Before handing the packet back to Remus, who scoffs at him almost as if he is offended.

"I think it matches my aesthetic." Sirius grins, admiring himself in the mirror.

Remus stares at Sirius, because he was right. He looked effortlessly cool in his leather jacket, combat boots, his top knot hairstyle and the cig resting behind his ear. If Remus were to try and wear that, or put a cig behind his ear he'd be bullied for the rest of his time.

Sirius turns to face him, smiling that Sirius Black grin. Remus let's out a strained noise, that startle both Sirius and Remus. Sirius presses his lips together, Remus watches them. Sirius runs his tongue across his strawberry pink lips and smirks as Remus gasps.

It takes two | Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now