"WHY?!!!" I screamed inside our bedroom.

I look around and everything reminds me of our moments together.

Lay down on her side of the bed, it was now cold from hours that weren't occupied but her scent, her sweet musts scent that I love so much still lingers on her pillow.

I prayed that this is all just a nightmare and when I woke up Meredith's beside me, hugging me, making love with me. Lookin in her nightstand there's a picture of us on our first anniversary, we were so happy back then.

I wish we could go back in time when everything could go back to the way it used to be but this is not a fairytale where you have three wishes and they would come true.

Life isn't like a Disney where it is all happy endings and kisses, life is full of betrayals, suffering, and heartaches. Trusting a person who promised that she will not hurt me the way my father hurt my mother, cheating with everything that moves.

All night I cried without me realizing that I fell asleep, when I woke up it was morning, feeling the sun rays burn my skin. At first, I was confused about why I'm on Meredith's side of the bed, but then it click to me that it wasn't a nightmare and it happened in real life. The love of my life cheated on me, again with the tears coming out of my tear ducts. I hate feeling vulnerable, Bizzy always tells me that Forbes can not show weakness.

Remembering that the inner Bizzy in me activated, I wipe my tears away and went to the bathroom. I performed my hygiene and when I exited the bathroom I heard the front door close, knowing already who it was. I just brush it off and do not mind that person, I continue to dress up when Meredith enters the room. From the look on her face looks like she just cried and looking into my eyes she knows that I already knew what happened but I did not care.

When I'm putting my skirt on I felt her approaching me soon I felt her hands from behind, I didn't budge or avoid the feeling of her touch in me, for the last time I need to feel her at least her hug though I did not hug her back, I just stand there waiting for her to speak or release me.

"Addie" her voice crack, I wanted to cry but I wouldn't let her see this vulnerability in me again. "I'm so so sorry. I didn't know what happened, please forgive me" she begs and again I did not say or do anything I just stare out from afar.

"Please Addie, can you say something. Curse me, slap me, punch me, anything. Please."

"I'm late for class so let go of me," I said coldly sending chills to her and even to myself, Meredith did not let go and hold me tight as if she did not want to let go of me.

"Addie I'm-"

"Never call me that again" I sternly said "after my class today I will move out, the whole apartment is yours take whoever you want, I don't care," I said pushing her away a little hard causing her to hit the walls, I was about to sauntering she kneeled trapping my legs in her arm and her head is leveled on my abdomen. She's crying hard and begging me to stay and talk it out but I couldn't, the vision I have her inside with someone else other than me ignites a lot of emotions that are not good.

If we talk now while I have these negative emotions in me it would not end up nice for both of us.

"I can't, I'll leave now so let go before I couldn't restrain myself from killing you with my bare hands," I said spouting each word as if there are knives, she let go but did not stand up. I gather my things and left without saying another word to Meredith.

Meredith's POV

When I arrived at the club where I'm going to meet My friends, I enter the establishment and went to look for them. When I see them sitting at a table laughing, they probably teasing and annoying each other like we always do. Walking toward them is a struggle because every time I took a step girls in the club approached and it spoiled my mood, I regret leaving my cozy apartment with my hot girlfriend to these annoying and flirty girls.

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