My Underwater Treasury

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Tales of the sea from a Mermaid who misses his home but can not return

The sea is filled with so much human junk, and of course treasure! My favorite of all time had to be this little music box that had a two twins on the top holding hands and spinning around as the sound played. It had a small compartment where it held a locket and jewels. Pearls, rubies, sapphires, diamonds, hell even jade! When I felt sad I would swim away to the little cove where I let it stay, coral climbed around the grotto and vines and flowers grew above the water, a small spot above the cove let in sunlight which danced around the walls.

I always found other little things around there too, sometimes treasure chests, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and all other trinkets that so many humans would pay hundreds or maybe for some of them- thousands of dollars for! One day a bunch of pirates tried to break into a grotto nearby, but a siren found them and dragged them into the sea.... Said siren was my mother, she then gave me two of the items that they held. A small clock on a chain, which later I learned to be a pocket watch, and a Diamond crested Tiara. I didn't really care for the Tiara, I was more interested in the watch, it told time! I would be able to use it for so many things! Maybe this is how I will be able to see the humans?

That day... I disobeyed my mother, i was around the age of- 14? I went up to the surface and saw a little human girl crying... I rushed back down and grabbed one of the crowns me and my mother made with the leftover parts of human crowns, sea shells and pearls covering the metal... I swam back up and popped my head above the water.  I obviously had scared her, she flinched back and looked terrified... I felt terrible so I slowly swam over to the rock she sat herself on. She backed away as I swam towards her, finally I reached the rock and placed the Tiara on top. Swimming backwards I watched her look at the gift, and then back again at me. I told her to not cry, for she has a gift, and a new friend.

We Met up every day since then.... but one day- I woke up in a human body. A body that was not my own.... and I never saw her, or my mother again..

Here I am now, telling you my story. For those that don't understand, DID is a mental disorder where when a child experiences extreme truama over a period of time, the brain tries to section it off so they can live normally. But it instead creates a whole nother personality within the body. (Basically I guess, I'm not explaining it all!) I am one of the protectors of the system, thank you for reading this if you have gotten this far, it truly means so much! I hope you all have a wonderful day, please take care.

Love, Kyren <3

P.S. to any lgbtq+ member, or anyone experiencing anxiety/depression or is in a rough situation,  just know... you are not alone. Things will get better, even if it takes a bit of time. Don't listen to the mean people that Shove others down! It's your life, not theirs. So they shouldn't care. You are cared for, even if you don't realize it. Remember, you are worth it, don't quit.

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