breathe they say, its EASY they say.

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Dear friend,

I wish to tell you that I lied.
I'm not doing well, you were right.
I just couldn't stand that you- for some reason- cared about me..

Im sorry I've been a jerk... I understand if you would want to drop me as a friend, and I'm ready to accept that.....

Have you ever felt like crying but... no tears can seem to form? It's painful but stuck and you just want to scream,  but you can't. Well that's how I feel right now. You always tell me to breathe, but it isn't that easy... it feels like my lungs are being compressed and you want me to breathe? I'm sorry but I can't, it hurts.

How are you able to stay calm? But I never seem to be able to do so too? I'm envious of you. I think you're perfect, you're untouchable... and then I sit here, im your friend but I am the opposite of you... how... why- why do you wish for me to be by your side?

Sincerely, Me

A letter to you, my friend.Where stories live. Discover now