part 5

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you woke up, it was the first day on set and you were super nervous but excited. you turned off your alarm and walked into your bathroom while rubbing your eyes.

you had a quick shower, got dressed and did your makeup. as your where tying your
shoelaces your mum walked in with a coffee for you.

"thank you so much!, i'm so nervous" you said nervously laughing.

"don't worry honey you'll be fine, and you'll get to see walker again. he seams like a sweet boy" your mum replied while hugging you.

you both left the apartment and got in the car to go to set, the studio is about 10 minutes away. you went on to instagram to see what people where up to and ended up posting a picture:


liked by walkerscobell and 23,825 others sophiewood:  yesterday was amazing :) @walkerscobell view all 163 comments walkerscobell: 😁| sophiewood: can wait to see you in a bit :)walkerscobell: me too!

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liked by walkerscobell and 23,825 others
sophiewood: yesterday was amazing :)
view all 163 comments
walkerscobell: 😁
| sophiewood: can wait to see you in a bit :)
walkerscobell: me too!

user: y'all are kinda cute together lol
| user: omg yessss!

vancityryanreynolds: hurry up and get to work you're late
| sophiewood: oops sorry 🫣

you finally arrived at set and walked through the entrance, there you saw walker all smily waiting for you.

"hello there partner" he said as you both started walking into the main studio. as you enter you see ryan and shawn standing together with your fellow cast members and some of the crew.

"there you both are" ryan said while pointing at you both. "most of you know walker from the last movie but this time we also have sophie wood who will be playing scarlett"

everyone turns to look at you and walker and you start to get nervous. walker noticed and whispered "you'll be fine" which made you smile.

everyone greeted you and they all seemed so lovely. jennifer came up to you straight away and welcomed you.

"hello sweetie, i'm so excited to work with you! how are you feeling? don't worry everyone is super nice."
she said reassuring you.

"i'm ok thank you im just a bit nervous" you replied.

"now everyone in 5 minutes we will meet in the office room to read through the script" shawn said point to the office room.

everyone left for a quick break and headed into the office room and sat in there allocated seats. your seat was ether side walker and jennifer.

it had been around 30 minutes and you had read though a large part of the script. you were doing well and were feeling lest stressed.

it was then lunch so you and walker grabbed a rap and crisps and sat down at a bench.

"it's really nice having a friend who's my age this time" walker said after taking a large bite of his rap.

you smiled and nodded to agree with him. he smiled back.

it was the end of lunch so you when back to the office room and read the rest of the script with the cast.

it was finally the end of work for the day, it was really nice meeting everyone. you said goodbye to the cast and started to leave the set. as you where leaving walker came up to you and asked.

"hey in like an hour do you want to come over to mine?"

"sure!" you said while walking to your mum who was waiting outside of the car. "what's your address?" you asked.

"oh don't worry i'll message it to you, see you then bye" he replied as he left to get into his car.

you said bye and got into the car.

"mum is it alright if i got over to walkers in one hour?" you asked while buckling your seatbelt.

"sure" she said turning to slime at you.

i hope you enjoyed that chapter. thank you for all the support! sorry for the spelling errors it's quite late for me rn! :)

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