part 3

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it was 7:30 and your mum woke you up, you yawned as you got out of bed and headed towards the bathroom.

'we have around half an hour to get ready, the driver says he will pick us up around eight' your mum said as she made herself a coffee.

you had a warm quick shower and did so light make-up (concealer, blush, mascara and lipgloss.) you decided to wear a light blue hoodie and some black leggings as on the weather for cast said it would be 42 °F.

you had extra time to spare so you decide to make you hair wavy with your ghd curlers. you put on your nike air force ones and headed out the door.

as you walked out the door of the hotel you saw the driver standing outside looking rather bored.

"hello are you mrs wood" he asked your mum as you walked over to him. he's mood suddenly seemed more happy.

"yes, yes i am" your mum replied as she shook his hand and slimed.

you hopped into the back seat of the car and put your seatbelt on. from the front seat your mum passed you a pana chocolate for your breakfast and a water.

as you were on the way to meet up with walker you couldn't stop thinking about what was about to happen. you had looked up to walker as an actor for a while now and now you had the pleasure of meeting him and also staring in a movie with him. as soon as your watched 'the adam project' you searched him up to realise you where the same age. you have always thought he was an amazing actor and cute in a way.

you went on instagram to see what people were posting about and you saw walker posted on his story. you clicked on it and it said. 'meeting someone special for the first time today, can you guess who it is??' your face lit up and the butterfly's in your stomach became more noticeable to you.

it had been around ten minutes since you got in the car and the driver started to slow down. you where finally here. you looked out of your window to see a smily yet nervous blonde haired boy standing with a lady a couple of meters away. it was walker and his mum. when the car was parked you got out and started walking over with your mum.

"you'll be fine" your mum said as she slimed at you. she could tell you where nervous, hopefully walker wouldn't.

you walked over to them and as you got to reaching them walker said "hi sophie i'm walker i'm so happy i'm getting to finally meet you"

"it's so nice to meet you too!" you say as you blush as little.

"right so me and sophie's mom are going to go look around so we'll with leave you both too it. in two hours we can meet at 'burger shack' for some food" heather (walkers mum) said as she slimed.

you and walker both nodded and said bye to your mums. you both stared to walk around and started talking.

"how's vancouver been for you so far?" walker asked.

"it's been really great so far, it's a really beautiful place" you replied as you walk down the street.

you both chat to each other for a few minutes until you spot a sign saying 'arcade'

"oooo i love arcades!" you say beaming.

"oh cool let's go inside, i like arcades too!" walker said and you both walked in. you had a five dollar note that your mum gave you so you converted into nickels.

( i'm very sorry if it doesn't work like that in canada. in the uk it's two pence but it didn't tell me when i looked it up. if it's wrong just ignore it lol )

"how are you so good at this?" walker said in amazement as he had already run out of nickels.

"what can i say" you said giggling and handed him a few more coins.

you ended up playing for around 20 minutes and won a lot of tickets. then you decided to play ice hockey and drew.

"you make be good at slot machines but you aren't the best at ice hockey" walker said and you left the arcade.

"oh shush, if we played one more time i definitely would have beaten you" you say while gently nudging him.

walker got his phone out and took a picture of him and you together, you both smiled.

"it's it ok if i add this to my story?" walker asked as you both started to walk down the road to the park.

"yeah sure, i don't mind" you said trying to sound easygoing.

you both walk into the park and sit on the swings.

"i'm so happy i get to work with you, it's kinda a dream come true to me. i hope that doesn't sound cheesy" you say as you swing in-sink with one another .

"don't worry it doesn't, i'm really excited to work with you and spend every day with you" walker said smiling massively.

it had been almost two hours so you headed to the burger place to have some food. you arrived to see walkers mum and yours sitting down at a bench inside.

"what have you guys been up too?" your mum said as you walked in.

"we went to the arcade and the park, it's been really fun" you said as you and walker sat down.

hey everyone i'm sorry to cut here but this chapter is a bit long so i'll carry it on and it will hopefully come out tomorrow. i hope you like this part, i like it a lot! i hope you are all ok :) sorry for any spelling errors

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