part 1

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it was three weeks ago when netflix announced that there would be 'the adam project 2'. you found out you got the role of 'scarlett evering' a month and a half ago when you mum got a call for the director shawn levy saying that you got the part. ever since,
you have gained over 19k followers on instagram and you have been in several news articles.

the netflix announcement for the new movie was massive and hundreds of people where buzzing with excitement to see a movie they loved so much to be reappearing on there's screens. that's one thing that makes you very nervous.

you have never been in a movie or series before. the audition for scarlett was a open call audition meaning anyone no matter there acting background could apply. it's not going to be your first acing job as you have been leads in your school plays and you have been doing acting outside of school for 4 years but it's not the same.

your staying in Vancouver for five months so you will be leaving your friends and family from home which isn't the best whatsoever. you will also have to have a chaperone for when your on set so you do learn as you are only 13 (that sounds kinda fun.) you just hope that you really enjoy it.

in 2 days you are going to be leaving London too travel to Vancouver to meet the cast and team you will be working with. your super excited but extremely nervous. the first day you arrive shawn levy has planned for you and walker scobell (young adam) to spend the day together as you will be working with each other every day. good thing is that walker is only four months older than you so hopefully it will be really fun and you can will have lots to talk about.

hey everyone i hoped you liked this first chapter, im sorry it's short and it doesn't have anything fun in it i just wanted to do a little back story so you would understand it more. i hope you have a good day/night and if you have any suggestions of what to put in this story please let me know:)

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