chapter 7: an unexpected reunion

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- no ones POV -

it has been 30 minutes since misato arrived at the morgiana Mansion, and she, y/n, and magi were sitting at the dining room table, while drinking some tea, kanna, hinami and anya were playing with y/ns friends, and nejire, trihexa and grey were sitting at the table with y/n.

Y/n looked down into his cup, seeing his reflection in the coffee, then looking back up at misato.

Y/n: sooo um...your my aunt huh?

Misato: yes, and I'm guessing you have a lot of questions..

Y/n: hah, that's an understatement.

Misato: well I have some of my own.

Y/n: yeah? Like what?

Misato: well I was wondering who these lovely ladies are here~? Are they your little girlfriends? And those little ones, your daughters I take it?

Y/n: well for the first question, yes. And for the second question, also yes.

Misato: okay, now with that out of the way, what do you wanna ask me y/n?

Y/n: well I've been wondering where the hell you've been. I can somewhat understand my mother's intentions but why weren't you in my life? Why weren't you there for me when I needed you?

Misato: I'm truly sorry for not being there for you y/n, but it was under magis orders, I wanted to believe that you would be the key to fixing this corrupt society.

Y/n: *sigh* that line is really getting old..

Misato: I'm sorry y/n it's the truth, and i understand if you hate me for what I did.

Y/n: oh, no don't worry I don't hate you, It's just gonna take me a while to get used to you actually being around.

Misato got up from her seat and walked over to y/n who also stood up. She placed her arms around him softly and spoke.

Misato: but it's so great to see you y/n, I'm very happy to see how much you've grown.

Y/n: to be honest I survived what happened to me at Union before I got my powers..hey.

Misato: hm? What's up?

Y/n: do you perhaps.. wanna train with me and my friends?

- Changing scene -

Location: union academy

In the great hall, everyone was gathered around, putting on their gear, arming themselves with their weapons, and some also training and sparring.

Issei activated his boosted gear and Shadow boxes a bit.

Issei: haha! I'm psyched for this fight!

Yang: heh hell yeah! Can't wait until we get to teach that weakling a lesson hell never forget!

Bakugou was watching them while he put on his gauntlets, and he wasnt amused.

Bakugou: *sigh* fucking morons..

Pyrrha: I agree with you bakugou.

He noticed pyrrha walking towards him but she didn't have a smile on her face, she had a face of concern and discomfort.

Bakugou: what the fucks wrong with you then?

Pyrrha: I think they're all taking this wrong, y/n is too strong..but it feels like me and you are the only ones admitting that.

Bakugou: yeah. At least we can actually admit it...God it feels wierd saying that.

Ironwood: alright everyone ready up!!

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