|| once upon a time...

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✎ᝰ┋once upon a time

genre : angst/fluff(flashbacks)/acceptance¿
first&third person pov
once upon a time, we were so in love

but that was 2 years ago

you know what's scarier than your greatest fear?

it is when your heart no longer beats for the one you love.

when you slowly drift apart

when you no longer feel the same way for the person you once considered your whole world, when they no longer mean as much as you.

and you realise, you just love them, but are not in love with them.

the scariest feeling

when one soul, becomes two again, and no longer recognise each other.

they say people change. they said it would change our relationship. after all, we were young and foolish when we were together. now, we are older, more matured, more serious with life.

i thought that we wouldn't change no matter what. that was would still remain together, that our love would withstand time and the changing of the seasons. but i was proven wrong. after 10 long years, we parted.

we're still young. considerably young. but we have changed so much. so much that we're no longer compatible. we're no longer crazily in love with each other. and the thought of this could drive me crazy. my heart sinks each time i think of this, and my mind becomes muddled in a frantic state. i kept holding on to hope that something would rekindle our love for each other, but nothing did. we slowly drifted apart instead. and that scared me so much.

10 years ago ; seoul

jiah brushed her hair away from her face, her ponytail swaying in the wind. she took a deep breath, ready to start the new school year. or, semi-ready. obviously, school sucks.

being an introvert, she didn't join in with the many groups of people that stood outside the main hall, introducing themselves and instantly becoming friends. nope, none of that. after taking her ID tag, she just slipped into the hall and took a seat considerably far away from the stage, and took out a book to read, waiting for the assembly programme to start.

it seemed that another guy shared the same sentiments with her, as he was the second person to enter the hall. he looked surprised, thinking that no one else would be here. wondering if he should socialise or not, he just shuffled hesitantly towards jiah, who had now looked up and discovered him. they looked at each other for a while, until jiah broke the eye contact and turned back to her book.

jungwon, now slightly intimidated, decided to sit with a bit of distance from her. though, still in the same section and row. the atmosphere remained awkward and he just puffed up his cheeks and took out a book to read as well.

jiah was still completely aware of his presence. she tried to ignore him, but his presence alone was just distracting. she hadn't even turned the page since he came. so she turned her head slightly to take a peek at what he was doing, and her eyes lit up at the sight of the book in his hands. she sat up a little straighter, with her head fully turned 90° to look at him - or more specifically, his book.

"you're reading this book too?" she asked in a soft, mellowed voice.

jungwon snapped his head up to look at her, shocked that she had initiated the conversation. his cheeks flushed as he felt himself becoming a little shy.

"y-yeah, it was recommended by my sister."

"ah... how do you find it?"

"it's good. i like the writing style." he smiled slightly.

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