|| sick

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genre : fluff
first person pov
my head throbbed as my eyes fluttered open. my throat burned and swallowing seemed like a big deal now. my head felt too heavy to be lifted, so i just closed my eyes and fell asleep again. but it was hard to sleep when you can only breathe through one nostril. damn this blocked nose. why must i be sick of all days? it's jungwon's first off day in a while, and i'm sick.

my eyes remained closed but i heard the door open and footsteps getting closer. then the bed next to me sunk slightly and i felt a hand on my forehead.

"this is bad. your fever isn't getting better..." i heard jungwon mutter. his hand left my forehead and i felt his presence leaving.

i opened one eye to see if he was really gone. the door to the room was left slightly ajar. i closed my eyes again and turned on my side, curling up into a ball. after a while, i felt jungwon return to my side.

"hey love, wake up for a bit, hm? take some medicine for now. we'll go see the doctor when you're feeling better." he softly said, gently brushing my hair. i just turned towards him and snuggled closer to his chest.

"i see you are awake. come, take your medicine then i'll let you sleep more, okay?"

"no..." my voice was very hoarse, and it hurt trying to make a sound.

"love, get up, please? i don't like seeing you like this." he continued gently patting my head.

"my head hurts."

"yes, so eat some medicine. it'll help you feel better."

"fine." and i opened my eyes and sat up with much difficulty. my head started drooping down and my eyelids shut. jungwon wrapped one arm around me and showed me some pills on his hand.

"the blue one is for your fever and the yellow one is for your runny nose." i stared at them for a while before i took them in my hand, popping them into my mouth. jungwon handed me a glass of water and i gulped down everything with the pills.

"good. now get some more rest." he gently laid me down on the bed and kissed my forehead.

"can you stay?" i murmured. my throat is seriously killing me. this sucks.

"of course. but, is your throat okay? your throat is the worse whenever you're sick."

"no. it sucks."

"i'll get you some warm honey lemon, okay?"

"mhm..." i hummed in reply. jungwon gently kissed me on the forehead before leaving to get me some honey lemon water to drink. i was now left alone to wallow in my own misery.

'this stupid nose and stupid throat. and stupid head too. ugh, being sick sucks. and now jungwon won't let me eat chocolate for a whole week. why must i have such an overprotective boyfriend?'

"come, jiah-yah, drink some before getting more sleep. it'll help with your throat." jungwon returned with a hot cup of honey lemon.

"okay..." and i reluctantly sat up again and slowly sipped on the tea. jungwon just sat there, watching me with a slight smile.

"it's too hot to drink." i said after taking a few sips.

"just drink slowly. it's okay, take your time." jungwon said and gently caressed my leg. i nodded and continued drinking my honey lemon. we sat there in complete silence, until i was done drinking and laid back down on the bed. jungwon laid next to me and cuddled closer to me.

"what are you doing? i'm sick." i murmured, eyelids drooping.

"i don't care. i'm here to take care of you."

"sorry... it's your free day and you have to take care of me."

"you don't have to be sorry. i'm your boyfriend, and i love you. of course i'd take care of you."

"mhm." i hummed as my eyelids gave up and closed on me.

"just get some sleep. i'll be here when you wake up." jungwon softly said. and i slowly let sleep consume me, enjoying the warmth of jungwon's embrace.

im awake😃 but i still have sinus so that sucks

anyways someone requested this and also im sick so why not (it's a short one tho)

also, im gna be using a fixed character name (lee jiah) cos idk. just because lol.

anyways, byee

anyways, byee

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