[31]"you won't tell anyone?"

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You heard a knock on the door and Steve peered in. "Hey baby girl I didn't know you were awake, are you ok?"
You nodded whilst finishing a drawing so he glanced down to see different pictures of prosthetics at different angles. Once you put the pencil down he picked you up off the chair and gave you a hug. "Did you speak to Sarah today?" You nodded in response.
"How was she? Did you find out why she wouldn't talk to any of you?"
"Yea" you said, "she just felt bad but we spoke to her and everything's fine now"
"Good" he said resting his chin on the top of your head, "oh Nats here do you want to say hi?"
You shrugged your shoulders and nodded at the same time so he carried you downstairs. Bucky sat with her on the sofa watching what looked like an animal documentary, there was a herd of elephants and a lion pack lurking in the background. You thought to yourself, the lions were the least of their worries, they need to watch out for humans.
"Hey y/n" spoke Nat looking up from her seat.
"Hey" you said back with a slight wave before turning back to the tv. The lion began sneaking up behind a baby elephant that had strayed from the rest and waited in the grass. It kept getting up to go closer and closer whilst the elephant was completely unaware. "Ok that's enough" said Bucky turning the tv off.
"Hey!" You and Nat complained in unison.
"We are not watching a baby elephant being eaten by a pack of lions" he argued back.
"It's not called a pack it's a pride" mumbled Nat
"Yea" you joined in also mumbling, "and it might not have been eaten. Maybe the big elephant came in at the last second and rescued it".

"Nope pick something else to do".
Nat sighed and walked over to the cupboard.
"You guys have Wii games! We have to play these".
Steve sat you next to Bucky and answered, "yea they're mostly y/ns but we can play some if you want".
She put a disk in and the screen lit up, she'd chosen a quiz game.
"Let's do one on countries, you have to answer all the capitals and flags. Buck you play against me" she said handing him a remote.
Steve sat down at the far end of the sofa and Nat sat between him and you. You sat slumped with your head against the back cushion watching them trash talk each other.
"Oh what's wrong Nat, do you not know the capital of Angola?"
"Yea I got one wrong I'm still beating you!!" She fought back.
Bucky paused on Argentina, "it's Buenos Aires" you whispered.
"Oh yea thank you" he quickly carried on trying to catch up. The screen flickered and showed the scores.
"Hah!" Teased Nat, "I won by a whole fifteen countries!!! Want a go y/n?"
"Nah" you said passing it to Steve.
"Come on then cap, think you can do better than your boyfriend?"
He shook his head and muttered, "wow you are a really bad winner. But I know I can! Let's go!"

She carried on the trash talk but Steve didn't talk back, instead concentrating on the screen. You couldn't tell him the answers when he got stuck because he was to far away but he was doing a bit better than Bucky. Although he did have more time to learn as he was frozen for a shorter time so that wasn't fair.
"Hahhhh!!" Screamed Nat. "I beat you to! By ten countries! A bit better but not enough".
He huffed, "why can't you win gracefully?"
She turned her head and flicked her hair into Steve's face. "Right" he said handing you the remote, "y/ns go then" he had a smile plastered across his face. You took it, still sitting slumped on the sofa looking bored.
Once again Nat went straight into shouting but you didn't even know what about as you just looked at the screen as each flag or country appeared.
The screen went black and Nat turned to you, "I think that was a personal best , think you can beat me?"
Then the scores showed and you smirked, "yes actually. By forty seven countries".
"What! No way, you cheated! How did you get forty seven MORE. I can barely get that anyway".
Bucky chuckled, "don't think too much about it, she's been playing this game and beating us since she could hold the remote. Do you want to stay for dinner?"
Nat agreed so Steve left to start the pasta. You went over to the other side of the room and lay down on your stomach reading a textbook.
Nat whispered to Bucky, "she's a lot calmer when she's tired, quieter to. She hasn't said much".
He nodded, "yea she's been quieter since the incident at camp. And she's had two pretty bad nightmares since, we're hoping they stop and it won't be like when she was younger".
She watched slightly worrying as you turned another page in the book.

"Dinners ready!" Steve shouted from the other room so you all got up and ate a nice dinner. Nat told everyone about the few days she'd spent on the Barton's farm, it sounded like a lot of fun but eventually she had to go. She said goodbye and left, leaving you to put your plate near the sink.
"Um baby girl there's still a few pieces of pasta left, are you not done?"
You looked at your plate and shook your head, "no thanks, I've had enough" and you went upstairs. You had eaten later than normal today so instead of sitting at the desk you went straight to bed and read Harry Potter until you fell asleep mid sentence.

A few hours later you awoke covered in sweat, breathing heavily. You'd had another nightmare. It was similar to the others, someone found you out and unrecognisable people armed with guns were after you. Without thinking, you jumped out of bed and down the stairs to your dads room, creaking open the door. They seemed to be asleep so you crept in between them and pulled the duvet up before drifting back to sleep.

Steve and Bucky's daughter y/nKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat