Gaining Experience

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I'm back with the next chapter of Change in Winds. You can read next 5 chapters of Change in Winds on my Patron Page. Go to Patron Website and search for 'Blackinfinity 1289'.

"Normal speech" people talking.

'Normal thought' people thinking.

"Bijuu/Summons" Bijuu or Summons Speaking.

'Bijuu/Summons' Bijuu or Summons thinking.

"Jutsu" is being used.


Change in Winds

Chapter 1

Gaining Experience

Naruto was in high spirits when he reached the academy as he is an official Shinobi of Konoha now. As he entered, everyone looked at him confidently. Naruto heard the students present take him for some new kid.

He smiled to himself. 'So it worked.' He thought as few recognised him while he was coming to the Academy and others' curious looks confirmed it. He shrugged them off and sat at the back of the class, waiting for Iruka-sensei's arrival. After the initial shock wore off, everyone continued with their work.

He just sat there thinking about the clones he left to continue his Fuuinjitsu practice. The sealing art felt natural for him. At the rate of his practice, he knew he will perfect his calligraphy soon.

Naruto sat reading about the sealing theory, for the class to start and to practise, he wanted to experiment in a secure place with no one disturbing. He stuck to reading for now.

His dingy apartment doesn't fit the bill as it is ready to blow up at moment's notice if he had one strong sneeze. He needs a place that serves as a good testing ground and if possible, a second home.

With these thoughts in mind, Naruto continues his study about sealing from the books and the types of seals used in general. They are very interesting, to say the least.

Exploding tagsFlash tags and Smoke bombs are a few applications of seals and Naruto knew there can be so many more if one puts heart into it and he already plans to.

He read while waiting for Iruka to come and the class filled up. Shikamaru, Heir to the famed Nara Clan, (well known for their intellectual minds) came and sat in the middle row with Choji, another Clan Heir of the Akamichi clan in tow.

Naruto was friends with them in their early Academy days. But it's been heard since Naruto taller to them like how they used it other than the occasional greeting here and there.

Naruto can see things that he couldn't before and pick subtle hints in the postures and demeanour of others. A great skill very important for his shinobi life ahead.

Naruto noticed Shikamaru looking at him but didn't comment and lazily slept on his desk. While Choji started eating chips from a bag he got from somewhere.

Soon others came which included Kiba, Hinata, Shino and finally Sasuke who sat in their seats while other civilian children came and sat in their places. Excited chatter grew in class as most arrived.

Sasuke looked at Naruto with raised eyebrows, to which Naruto replied with his stare. An impromptu staring match started and ended with the Uchiha turning away with a 'Hn' and sitting in his brooding pose, both hands clasped near his mouth and looking somewhere out of the window.

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