The Night of Falling Pain

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My friend, if you are reading this I hope you understand, I am not sad. Although my heart feels numb once again from the agony.

My tears felt like acid, I haven't cried in such a long time... I apologize for crying that night... Tears are droplets of pain slipping through the cracks.

I wish those words weren't said that night, the night I cried and broke your heart. You probably felt remorse or some sort, you had every right to do so,  after all I cried over your words... of course, I am alright now.

Those words broke my heart that you would ever say that, although I do understand why you would say such a thing. I truly was just worried for you...

Of course you probably aren't reading this now, so I shall send it out anyway hoping somehow you could see it.

I love you,
Sincerely me.

A letter to you, my friend.Where stories live. Discover now