Grabbing a clipboard, Iruka began to rattle off names, and Naruto refocused after team six was announced.

"Team 7. Comprised of Sayuri Uchiha," At this, quite a number of the boys who weren't already announced yet paid much more attention than before, as it was an open secret that at least half of the boys were harbouring a serious crush on Sayuri. "Sasuke Uchiha," And at this, many of the girls started to lean in, all of them hoping to be placed on a team with Sasuke.

"And Naruto Uzumaki. You will be taught by Kakashi Hatake." And their hopes were dashed quite spectacularly. All members of the newly-minted team 7 cheered.

Ino Yamanaka, a girl born from quite a famed ninja clan, as well as Sakura Haruno, gave the most dramatic reactions. Sakura punched a wall and Ino slammed her fists on the table. The others who hoped to be placed on their team just stewed in jealousy.

"Team 8. Now, because the number of students who passed cannot fit in three person cells, this team has another member. Hinata Hyuga, Kiba Inuzuka, Sakura Haruno, and Shino Aburame. You will be taught by Kurenai Yuhi." Hinata nodded to Kiba and Shino, but she twitched as she looked at Sakura having a full-blown mental breakdown.

"Team 9 is-" Naruto yawned, missing all of what Iruka said. Iruka continued. "Team 10. Choji Akimichi, Ino Yamanaka, and Shikamaru Nara. You will be taught by Asuma Sarutobi."

And so on, and so forth, for about another hour.

After he announced the fiftieth team, he placed his clipboard on the table.He spoke, but some tears were leaking from his eyes. "It's been a pleasure to have you all. May you all be successful and your futures brighter than the sun. Please wait for your Jonin sensei to arrive."

Soon, a man with a green flak jacket, silver hair, a black face mask, and the use of the standard Konoha headband as an eye patch dropped from the ceiling, landing in front of the table where all of team 7 sat. "Come with me," he said. "We'll meet on the roof." The three nodded, leaping out the window and walking up the walls.

Naruto was the first up, seeing Kakashi. Kakashi Hatake, the copy ninja. An S-rank jonin who is said to have copied one thousand jutsu, reading . . . porn. Naruto sighed. Kakashi turned as Sayuri and Sasuke leapt onto the guard rail. Kakashi clapped his hands. "Alright, now that we're all here, let's introduce ourselves. I'll start. My name is Kakashi Hatake, and I don't really have any likes, not many dislikes, and I really don't want to tell you my dream for the future. Alright, Naruto next."

Naruto pouted, but sighed and began to talk. "Fine. My name is Naruto Uzumaki. I like ramen, training, and my surrogate family," At this, he hugged both Uchiha. Sayuri grinned and Sasuke smiled. "I don't like those who intentionally create chaos, and also those who run from their responsibilities and ties," Naruto finished, looking at Kakashi, his expression radiating a sorrow and pain only orphans could understand. He smiled afterwards though. "My dream is to create true world peace."

"Alright, Sayuri, you're up," Kakashi called.

She nodded. "My name is Sayuri Uchiha. I like training, my family, and the gratifying feeling when I finally get something right. I dislike traitors of all kinds and those who take advantage of others' goodness. My dream is to become a great kunoichi as well as to uncover the truth of that day."

Sasuke shrugged and began to speak. "I'm Sasuke Uchiha. I enjoy my family, training, and tomatoes, my favourite food. I dislike those who judge me based on my older brother and those who blatantly disrespect those I care for. I have no dreams. My goal, if you could call it that, is to avenge my family, and ensure that my family is content and happy." Kakashi nodded finally. Slamming the covers of the book closed, he stood up.

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