"Why would my name be special?" She asked and Adrian chuckled. "There are far more terrifying things in the world than thugs or make believe characters from movies, spirits exist and so does everything that could ensalve you here and you're unable to find peace, just by knowing your name, I'm trying to help you, it's why I asked so I'm hoping you'll find peace before an encounter with any other nasty characters." Adrian replied as electricity sparked around the woman, she was uneasy, more like terrified but Adrian understood. "It's Anika, —Anika Merrow."  She whispered and Adrian nodded. "First the police." Adrian asserted as he snapped his fingers in mid air, then vanished in blinding orange light.

"The world seems different now I understand but trust me, when you find yourself in peace, it'll be better." Adrian promised Anika as they appeared by the police station, it remimded him of the times he'd trusted the wrong man, ofcourse he'd helped his family but in the end it was all for a price. "Adrian." Someone called out and Ari whipped around to face his uncle, he knew that because he was connected to Johnny, and what his brother knew about their paternal family, he knew. "I'm sorry do I know you?" Adrian questioned as he faced the man. "No, I suppose you don't, —I'm Mikhail Sovietro." He offered a hand and Adrian looked at the man as if he were mental, with what he knew now shaking that hand may very well be a death warrant.

"Constó." Adrian whispered the spell freezing Mikhail completely. "What are you doing kiddo?" Mihkail struggled as Adrian did a head dive into Mikhail, the man didn't even know as now Adrian had perfected the art, he found out all of Mikhail's secrets, all that he planned to do with them and his family, what he was trying to do to Skyler but failed, he went deeper into his uncle's mind and began placing subtle instructions, it would all come in handy one day, as Adrian walked out of Mikhail's mind he set his spell on the man's mind, someone very skilled in mental prowess could sense his spell but not the rest of his instructions, those were too deeply embedded.

"I didn't like the Sovietro clan before, I don't like them now." Adrian spat as he released his spell and walked into the building. "What was that, it felt cold and harsh, like a thousand voices spoke at once." Anika explained coming closer to Adrian's fire, he'd conjured the flames only for her so no one else could see them. "Don't worry, it's gonna be okay." He reassured but Adrian himself wondered how far true that was, he felt the cold too, to him it wasn't harsh, it was familiar, it felt as if that darkness was a manifestation of him, in some way so he didn't shy away from it.

"Hello, I'm Adrian, could I speak to detective Mornell?" Adrian asked the front desk receptionist who nodded as she smiled and directed Adrian to where the defective was, it was the small cafeteria on the second floor. "How do you know all this?" Anika muttered and Adrian chuckled. "I've had dealings with the police many many times before, I find detective Mornell is the one I can truly work with, she's still skeptical but when things make sense she tends to get things done." Adrian expained to his ghost friend in the elevator, it opened on the second floor, and Adrian crossed a busy hallway to the small cafeteria. Ari wondered where the woman was until he spotted her, she was seated with a group of her colleagues, or so Adrian hoped.

Most men would be intimidated by Mornell, she was on her way to getting a promotion, she out of all the detectives Adrian had worked with had a good track record to believe in the mystic side of things, even for a human, so Adrian waved across the room toward her and she immediately perked up with a smile that got brighter when she saw Adrian. "Ari, —hello, it's been a while." She greeted with an embrace and Adrian was actually glad to be hugged by someone almost his 5'7 height. "I've been busy, school, work, family, it never gets easy." Adrian replied and they both chuckled. "I know what that feels like." She replied gently whilst pushing back her curly blonde bob past her shoulders.

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