Chapter 5: Arcade Hangout

Start from the beginning

I watched her playing. It was actually a really cool game. And she's good at it. I don't understand how she does all those things so fast.I was impressed. She finally stopped playing. I assumed she won cause she cheered.i then realised I have to talk to her. Because that was my purpose. I turned around to see that the boys are still playing. I sighed and decided to talk. "hi.." i said shyly.
Max's pov

Holy shit she actually spoke to me all of sudden.Why though?
El's pov

"hi?" she replied confused. I looked down thinking how to start a conversation without being awkward. "what's pa-c pac-man?" I asked embarrassed of my spelling. She just chuckled and said "oh yeah pac man is a video game which you..." she started explaining in simple words how to play the game. I was surprised she talked to me after I ignored her and avoided her this whole time.
Max's pov

I still can't believe she came to talk to me. I got excited though. I was a little bit mad about her avoiding me this whole time but my plan was to be her friend and now is my chance. Maybe she wants to be my friend after all.
El's pov
I didn't know what to say next. I was a little bit nervous because this is the first time we ever spoke to each other. "do you wanna..try?" she asked. "I don't know how.." I said embarrassed. She smiled at me "I can show you if you want!" she said excitedly. I was surprised by her reaction, she was too. Her smile faded. "sorry,if you want to of course" she said a little bit embarrassed. "yeah sure" I said. She started showing me the game and how to play. I listened to her carefully to understand.
Max's pov
I was so happy she finally talked to me I couldn't believe it. I finally got the chance to hang out with the girl I've always wanted to be..friends with.I started explaining the game to her. She actually looked interested which made me smile. I then started playing to show her. She started playing. She wanted to give it a try. She started playing.She wasn't good at it but at least she kind of knew what she was doing, meaning she actually listened to me. That made me smile I don't know why. God why do I feel butterflies again when I'm with her?
El's pov
I started playing. I wasn't good at it at all but I'm trying. She kept encouraging me though which made me smile and blush. I thought she would be mad, but she was smiling and laughing. I smiled too once I felt comfortable around her and kept playing. I was having fun.
Max's pov
She wasn't good at it but I was admiring her. She looked cute when she was focusing. "nooo I lost again, how do you win this game?" she asked
I laughed "I'm just a pro player in this game" I said proudly and joked. "you just need practice, you weren't so bad, I wasn't good at the beginning too don't worry" I chuckled. She chuckled too.
Will's pov
Me, Mike, Lucas and Dustin were playing 'Dragon's Lair". It was one of our favourite games. Max went to play pac man and el went to the bathroom. It was the only time Mike wasn't with her. It's like they're glued on each other. Its getting tiring. Mike barely hangs out with us lately. He's always with el in the cabin or with us at each other's houses. But they're mostly hanging out alone in el's cabin. Probably sucking each others faces.ugh, gross. It makes me so mad whenever I see them together. We used to hang out every single day when we were kids. We still do but Mike has been distant. We didn't fight or anything he was just avoiding us for el. I'm sure the others noticed too but they don't say anything. We don't blame el of course, we love her it's just Mike. Yeah Lucas and Max are together but they're still hanging out with us, not just them alone. And their relationship doesn't bother me cause they're still with us. I don't know why I'm getting so jealous over Mike and El's relationship. Maybe because Mike's my best friend. I don't know. I was long in my thoughts until someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around quickly, he scared me. It was Mike. "is everything alright?" I looked at him "yeah why wouldn't it be?" I acted cool to not get him suspect anything. "you just seemed lost" Mike said. "oh I'm fine" I said. "oh okay then" he replied. He looked back to the game and started playing. I turned around looking for max to hang out with her so she won't be alone until I saw her with.. El? What is she doing with El? Pretty sure they hate each other. Well, probably El because max has always wanted to be friends with her but El just ignored her. I felt bad about max. Whenever she saw Mike and El together I could see the jealousy on her face.I don't know why she was jealous over Mike and El. Maybe she likes Mike? No there's no way they both hate each other. I've noticed she's always staring at El. I guess she wants to be friends with her badly.Mike went to the bathroom and I tapped Dustin's and Luca's shoulders. They turned around. "is it just me or is max and El talking to each other?" I asked confused, still not believing it. They were both surprised. "no way, yeah they are. I thought they hated each other-" I cut Dustin off "I don't think Max ever hated El, she was disappointed that El didn't want to be friends with her. I could tell" I said. "Aby are they suddenly talking now though? What changed?" Lucas asked confused
"what, are you jealous or something Lucas" Dustin joked. Lucas hit him on the shoulder. "Why would I be jealous you idiot" Dustin hit back. I swear they're acting like 5 year olds sometimes. "hey stop it'" I said. "look Max is showing El how to play pac man! Dustin said excitedly. I smiled proudly because I finally saw Max smiling. She looked happy. She finally got the chance to talk to her." That's cute" I suddenly said. Both of them turned to look at me. I realised what I just said. I felt embarrassed. "uh-isnt it cute how they they're finally getting along with each other after hating on each other?" I said hoping they didn't get it the wrong way. Dustin seemed to understand. "yeah I totally agree" Dustin said. I smiled and he smiled too. Lucas didn't seem jealous he was just confused why Max looked so happy just showing El how to play pac man. We then saw the two girls going somewhere else. The three of us looked at each other confused. "should we follow them?" "dude let them talk" I said. "Alright alright" Dustin said. "We'll talk to them later I guess" Lucas said a little bit disappointed that he didn't get the chance to hang out with his girlfriend. They don't spend so much time together alone, like Mike and El.
Max's pov
El stopped playing and looked at me. We both stopped laughing.She looked at me shyly and weird "what is it? do you wanna try again?" I asked confused. "yeah we can try again later" she replied. "alright then" I said. Before I could say anything more she looked at me and said "um- can I talk to you?" "yeah sure, wanna go sit on the couch over there?" I asked her. I was nervous I didn't know what she was going to tell me. She nodded and we went to sit. "so what did you want to talk about" I asked nervously but I hid it. "i-um- I just wanted to apologise" I was confused. She wants to apologise? Why now? I don't mind at all I'm just curious. I've always wanted her to talk to me so it was now my chance. "for-for what?" I asked.She kept looking down. "for ignoring and avoiding you. I shouldn't have done that. You just wanted to talk to be or want to be friends and I was mean to you.." "I'm..sorry.." I was expecting this to happen. "look, um, I forgive you, I didn't know why you hated me so I was upset to be honest but it's fine as long as you talk to me now, it means a lot to me" I said trying to not be rude. It hurt me a lot. The fact that she didnt want to talk to me from the beginning but at some point I just gave up caring. Maybe I thought I didn't care but deep down I cared a lot. "um, I have a question, even when you realised Mike and I don't like each other why didn't you still talk to me?" el stayed quite. "i- I don't know what I was thinking. I did want to talk to you sometimes but..." I was so confused. "but what el?" I asked her. "Mike told me that you're annoying, that you're selfish and a bad word which I don't know how to say it, you looked like you were all mad at some point I didn't want to bother you cause I knew wouldn't talk to me after what I did.." she said. I couldn't believe it. I wasn't so surprised about Mike. It was obvious that he was trying to get El away from me." do you believe him? That I'm annoying? " I asked sadly." no you never did anything wrong, I don't know why you and Mike are always so pissed at each other" I was wondering the same thing. Maybe the jealousy I have turned out to be anger with people to hide my feelings. But I don't know what I feel. "yeah well I was wondering the same things, but you see, when I first came in Hawkins, Dustin and Lucas were the first people who talked to me, I never thought they would want to be friends with me-" el. It me off. "why wouldn't they?" I stayed quiet for a second. "oh sorry dumb question.." she said quietly. "it's fine don't worry about it. As I was saying Mike just didn't want another party member so that's why he hates me, now it makes sense. He thought I replaced you back then. But I didn't even know you existed until Lucas told me all about you" she looked surprised. "oh okay" "I'm sorry.. I wish I knew" she said. "it's fine" I said giving her a smile to resure her that it was alright and I was just so happy we're talking right now. We stared at each other until we heard the boys behind in front of us approaching. It was only Dustin, Lucas and Will. Mike wasn't there.They just stood there not saying a word. "is everything alright?" I asked with a 'what do you want look'. Will looked at me and then at el. I could tell why they're confused. "oh um," I started so I don't put el in a uncomfortable situation. "she wanted to apologise to me, and she did and now we're alright with each other, if that's what you wanted to know" I said."Ooohh that's awesome, cute" Dustin excitedly said. "why do you keep calling them cute?" Lucas said. Was Lucas jealous? Of what? Making a new friend who is one his closest friend since they were 11 years old? "is there something wrong with that" I asked. "no no nothing" Lucas and the others said immediately. We just nodded. Then Mike appeared. Ugh amazing.. "where the hell were you guys I searched the entire arcade
!!?" Mike said. I rolled my eyes. "we just went to sit after playing, is there's something wrong with it?" I asked him annoyed. He rolled his eyes. "no, why is el with you? El did she do anything to you?" whatttt why would I do that. He's trying to make her believe I'm bad. Of course he is, that's Mike. "Mike why would max do something to el?"will said. I wasn't expecting Will to talk because he's always quiet in when we argue. Mike didn't know what to say cause apparently he had no reason he just didn't want me to talk to his girlfriend." so what, are you like friends now? "Mike asked. El and I nodded." why? "Mike asked. Oh god this boy." Dude, jesus relax they just want to be friends " Dustin said. I sighed."i was just wondering why" Mike said. Suddenly El spoke which surprised all of us. El never talked back to Mike. "because I wanted her to be my friend and it worked. I don't understand what's the wrong with it" El said. We all stayed quiet. Mike didn't know what to say." okay then, can we go back to the cabin? " El asked softly after. Everyone nodded. We were about to leave the arcade when I felt a someone grabbing my arm. I turned around. It was El." um, I was wondering if maybe you would like to stay over the night at my cabin " El asked quietly." like a sleepover?" I could tell she didn't know that word. "it's when someone spends the night at your house, it's called sleepover" I explained. "oh okay cool thanks!?" I nodded. "um sure I would love to". "can I come over at around 5 I need to go home to get my stuff before" I asked el. "yeah sure" she said smiling. I smiled back. I love her smile, she's literally so adorable. Especially when she's confused she's gorgeous.

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