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Freshly showered, Jesse lies on his bed, phone ringing on his stomach as he waits for his best friend to pick up on the other end. After practicing in the mirror for the better part of five minutes, he gave up on rehearsing his delivery and decided to wing it. It feels impossible to say the words out loud, it makes it too real. Still, he knows that reality will find him in a week, no matter if he announces it to the world or not.

"Hey bae, what's up?"

"Not much," he exhales, Jasmine's voice alone brings some relief, "just lying around. Hey, you saw the group chat, right?"

"Group chat? Uh, no, I just got out of my last final—Which! I'm pretty sure you saved my ass by the way," she says as a car door slams in the background.

"Oh yea?"

"Oh yea! Thanks to your awesome brain during our study sessions, I'm pretty sure I just nailed my algebra 2 exam... or at least enough to keep my B in the class. Probably. Either way I know I didn't fail! So, tell me about this group text."

Her happiness keeps him silent, there is no way he's bursting her bubble with the bomb in his pocket, "So, the usual. The four of us at Patty's house. Pizza, games, maybe a swim? Basically, an epic celebration of the end of junior year. You in?"

"Absolutely! I have an entire weekend and three days before dance bootcamp begins and I fully intend to enjoy it! What time are you coming to get me? Heads up, though, I need to take a shower before we leave."

Already his chest has tightened, he has to at least warn her. "Uh, I—how about I pick you up at seven? Maybe we can just ride around for a bit before we head to Patty's?"

For a long moment, she's quiet. There may be no such thing as a psychic twin connection, but he absolutely believes that Jasmine can read his mind, even over the phone, "Wait, you had an appointment today."

"I did. So does seven work for you," he tries to keep his voice light, unaffected, so far so good.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yea," this one word breaks in two, betraying him.

"Pick me up whenever you're ready, I'll be here."

The moment he pulls into the driveway, not a second more, she's out the door. A mane of tawny hair billows behind her, magnificent in the sunlight. Ever since he met her when they were in second grade, he thought she looked like a mighty lion, fearsome and royal. Even her eyes, a bright amber, absolutely glow when she's fired up.

"How," she exclaims the moment she opens the door, "how in Hades do you work outside in this heat all day?! I just showered and walked to your Rover and already I'm sweating."

Jesse can't help but laugh as she swings her feet up onto the dash, "I mean, it would help if you didn't wear combat boots every day of the summer. Just sayin'. Besides, I thought you don't sweat; you glisten."

"Look, when I dance, I glisten. This is just disgusting. I didn't even work for it..."

"Don't worry, we can roll both windows down."

The look on her face is worth the punch in the arm.

"My bad," he grins. "Air conditioner it is."

As he pulls out of the driveway, he tries to think of the words to say. He wants to be gentle, but the truth won't allow for it.

"So..." she prompts, placing a perfectly smooth, freckled hand the color of his morning coffee on his shoulder.

Her golden eyes bore into his brain and when he meets her gaze, he feels his defenses cracking. "They're going to take it, Jazz."

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