Start from the beginning

He Yun Sheng looked at the conscription notice, tore it from the wall and kept the ripped part with him.

He Yan said, "What are you doing?"

"......Nothing, just want to keep it as a memorial." He Yun Sheng continued, "Unfortunately, I am not strong enough now to go and fight to kill the enemy. In the future, when the level of my martial arts is higher, I will go and join the army."

He Yan smiled, "Joining the army is not an easy task. You have to suffer from the wind and sand, watching the sacrifices of the people around you. On the battlefield, you have to be prepared to die at any time. You don't even dare to kill the fish...... how are you going to kill the enemy?"

He Yun Sheng was struck dumb. He spoke after a while, "You are speaking as if you have been there."

He Yan didn't say anything and continued walking home with him. She tilted her head down and smiled.

Of course, she had been there, when she was the same age as He Yun Sheng.

At that time, the Fu Yue Army was recruiting troops to Mo Xian. After arguing with her adoptive father, He Yuan Sheng, again, she secretly packed some silver and clothes, concealed herself using a mask and left for the army in the middle of the night.

She had used He Ru Fei's name to join the army.

No one, including the He family, expected that He Yan would go join the army. It wasn't until He Yan fought her first victorious battle, was promoted to an official position and received the rewards, did this matter reach the ears of the He family.

The time she joined the army was not as smooth-sailing as others thought. She was a teenager, still a girl cross-dressing as a teenage boy, had to be careful not to be disowned, and had to compete with men who were stronger than she was. On the battlefield, even more so, as she couldn't cry nor utter a complaint. She was often scolded by generals, and many a time couldn't even say anything when she was being robbed of military honors, and despite this, she had to laugh and pour tea with her superiors.

He Yan felt that before joining the army she was a dumb, indifferent little girl who hid everything in her heart but after joining the army, she learned to grow up.

Outside of life and death, everything else was trivial, and living was what mattered most. General Fei Hong had replaced the He family's young lady, and since then she had persevered step by step, her suffering unspeakable to others.

Thinking about it, the name of General Fei Hong was closely related to her life. So close that when she saw the ripped conscription document in He Yun Sheng's hands, she was not as calm as she seemed.

He Yan's sudden silence was noticed by He Yun Sheng, who thought that she was still thinking about Fan Cheng's matters. After returning home, he asked He Yan to go back to her room.

Qing Mei had long since retired, and the notice that He Yun Sheng had torn was still placed on the table, under the oil lamp. The thin paper weighed heavily on He Yan's heart.

Having been busy with matters regarding the He family for so long, now that there was money and that He Yun Sheng had found a school, she could plan for herself. But, how was she going to approach He Ru Fei? This was the biggest problem. As of that day, she had no power and her words carried no weight. If she went to fight against those people, no one would listen to what she said.

In her last life, when she was living as He Ru Fei, and later on as Mistress Xu, she only knew how to fight with the sword and had no idea about anything related to conspiracies. Even now after being reborn, she still couldn't do those dirty and insidious things.

What did she have? She only had this life. What could she do? All she could do was fight and kill the enemy.

But what could she do at this moment?

He Yan's eyes fell on the conscription notice, and those few lines of words brought up a surge of emotions that had been bottled up in her heart till then, and she felt as if she had returned to her fifteen-year-old self. Having made the decision, taking advantage of the darkness of the night, she took some silver and tied a bundle of cloth on her back as she ran into the army camp. Once she reached there, she immediately wrote down her name and began her new career in the army.

Everything had to be done again, from scratch.

It was the worst way but also the best.

She was going to start from square one, but this time with her own name, He Yan.

1 莺惭燕妒: make the gaudy swallows and orioles pale with envy (idiom); fig. so beautiful that even swallows and orioles feel jealous of her

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