Chapter 6

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Amir with Seth and Leah at the beach again spending time together. Amir is just in a shirt and shorts.

"Have you ever been swimming before?" Leah asked Amir.

"Yes, when I was little. It's been years" Amir said.

"Let's go swimming then" Seth said standing up in shorts. He takes off his shirt and walks up to the shore.

Amir takes off his shirt showing his muscle body that have abs. Leah staring for a while before she walks past him And walks to the shore with Seth. Leah and Seth play in the water together splashing each other, laughing.

Amir join and pick up Seth throwing him more into the water. He swim up laughing splashing Amir.

Amir grabs Leah and swings her around in the water. Leah leans up and gives him a kiss on the lips catching Amir by surprised. He kisses her lips back.

"Ewww " Seth says splashing them. Amir smirks putting Leah down walking to Seth. Seth looks confused. Amir splashes his face laughing. Leah smiles.

Leah sees Bella and Jacob walk along the sand. Jacob seems distracted, like he wants to say something but can't. Bella's too busy worrying to notice. Earlier, Jake wanted to spend time with Bella, so Leah decided to spend time with Seth and Amir.

Amir holds Leah hand and Seths walking out the ocean. They went to the towels on the beach and dry themselves. Thankfully they are shifter. Their body heat warm themselves up.

Amir sits down on the towel. Leah walks over and sits on his lap. Seth sits next to them.

"That was fun. Would have been better if we brought a beach ball or something" Seth said.

"Don't we have one at home?" Leah asked.

"I think we do, probably in one of the Cabinets. We just have to check" Seth said. Rubbing the towel along his hair trying to dry it.

"Alice invited you both to the graduation party. Hope you both come" Amir said.

"We will. Jacob going to go" Leah said when a loud hitting impact sound can be heard. Like bones were crunching.  They turned and look seeing Bella holding her hand in pain.

Bella seems to have punches him in the mouth. There's a horrible crunch on impact that echo. Jacob doesn't even flinch. But Bella grabbing her hand in pain

"Ow! Ow!" Bella mumbles out in pain.

"Time to drive you both home over his stupid behavior" Leah said irritated standing up. Amir put on his shirt. Seth does the same.


When the arrived at the house, Bella, mad, climbs from Jacob's car holding her injured hand, as Edward's Volvo screeches to a stop. He gets out, moves directly for Jacob. Bella gets in his path. Amir gets out the car with Leah and Seth.

"Not here, Edward. Please" Bella said.

"If you ever touch her against her will again" Edward said in anger. "Don't do this"

"She's not sure what she wants" Jacob said glaring at him. "Don't do this"

"Well, let me give you a clue. Wait for her to say the words" Edward said.

"Fine. And she will" Jacob said. They both glaring at each other.

"Jacob. Just go, okay" Bella said. But Jacob faces off with Edward. Behind them Charlie and Mina exit, sees the hostility between them. Heads for them.

"Woah who pist in someone cup?" Mina asked.

" Hey, hey, hey, hey... Easy guys, easy. Let's take it down a notch. Alright?" Charlie asked breaking them apart.

"What's going on?"

"I kissed Bella. And she broke her hand... Punching my face. A total misunderstanding" Jacob said. Charlie's expression turns into a glare.

Amir hugs Leah and Seth saying goodbye knowing that they have to leave early because of Jacob. He walks off inside the house.


In the Cullens house, Edward looks on with concern as Carlisle finishes setting Bella's hand in a splint. Rosalie, at the counter, peruses several newspapers, looking for an update. Amir sitting down with Alec and Jane with Jasper.

"Total misunderstanding. It's just a sprain, should heal fairly quickly" Carlisle said. 

"Trying to walk and chew gum at the same time again, Bella?" Emmett asked.

"I punched a werewolf in the face"

"Bad ass... You're going to be one tough little newborn" Emmett said. "Tough enough to take you on"

Rosalie slaps down the newspaper and abruptly walks out, throwing a fierce scowl Bella's way.

"Someone pist" Alec mumbles out.

"Don't worry about it" Emmett said.

"Okay any leads?" Edward asked. Alec and Jane shake their head.

"No sign of the intruder. But Victoria continues to make appearances" Jasper said.

"Victoria just messing around the bubble" Jane said.

"She's toying with us. Keeping us distracted" Carlisle said.

"From Seattle?" Emmett asked confused.

"Or the intruder. Or something else" Carlisle said.

"To make the newborn group bigger" Alec said with his arms crossed.

"Alice can keep tracking her decisions but we have to track her on the ground" Edward said. Tired of being ignored, Bella heads out to the deck.

"We've already cover the entire southern peninsula down to Quinault" Jasper said.

"We'll search the northwestern trail" Edward said.

"We will join. Perhaps we can find something" Jane said with Alec by her side.

"Be careful" Amir said.

"Of course, prince. We'll be back for you" Alec said smiling at Amir kissing his forehead.

"If anything, we will probably kill some newborns if we ever see them" Jane said.

Amir nods kissing her cheek standing up to get some food in the kitchen. He makes a chicken sandwich with pepper jack cheese. He like spicey food even though his mom told him not to eat allot of spicey food. It can mess his stomach up. Did he listen? Nope.

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