Chapter 5

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Amir is in the forest shifted into his bear. Feeling the dirt beneath his paws. He kicks it up and run along the trees where the Cullens used to hunt. He tries not to think of them enjoying the weather sitting down. The color of his bear is black.

He walks back to the house and shifted back wearing his shirt and shorts where no one see him and Jog back home where he can change because Bella and him are going to Jakes.

The bike is aimed down a dirt road. Jacob runs through the instructions, "Brake?" She taps it. "Clutch?" Amir squeezes it. "Right. Gas?" Bella grips it.

"You ready?" Jacob ask grinning as Bella nods. Amir step back watching them as she then kick starts the bike.

"Slowly... release the clutch" Jacob said and she does. The bike moves forward an inch. Jacob cautiously steps back. She moves forward another inch. Her hand slips off the clutch, the bike BUCKS and falls on top of her. Amir quickly lifts it off her.

"You okay? Bruises, breaks -- ?" Jacob asked. " I'm going again"

"I'm not sure that's a good -" Bella quickly rises and hops back on.

"Guess we're going again. Now what are you going to do with the clutch?" Jacob said.  " Release it, slowly" Jacob nods. Then kick-starts the bike again. She releases the clutch and moves forward. She continues going as the wind flings her hair back. She gathers speed and for a moment, experiences pure freedom, exhilaration.

"I don't -- how do I turn!?" Bella Panicks. " Hit the brake!" Jacob races toward her. She reaches the turn, doesn't bank, goes straight... and flies right into a wall of trees. As she lies on the ground dazed, Jacob hurries up. Amir runs to them as fast as he can.

She looks around for something. "I want to go again" 

"You're trying to kill yourself, Forget it." Jacob said. "No more bikes.  Man, look at your head"

Indeed, blood drips down her forehead. She touches it and shrinks away. "Oh my god, I'm sorry"

"You're apologizing for bleeding?" Jacob asked. 

"It doesn't... bother you?" She asked. "It's just blood,  Bella. No big deal" He took of his shirt and wipe the blood. He bends over her, carefully tending her head. She finds herself looking at him. His dark eyes, his bare chest and smooth skin. He glances at her.

"What are you staring at?" Jacob asked. "You're so beautiful"  He's surprised, there's a moment between them.

He smiles. "How hard did you hit your head?" He asked. "I don't know" He offers her a hand, helps her up. Amir too busy looking away while they busy flirting.


Bella and Amir are right now watching this Zombie movie with Jacob and Mike. Amir just eating his popcorn watching every graphic stuff that's have him watching more.

Mike got up with a groan, lurching with his hand on his mouth. He took off running out of the theatre. Amir wasn't bothered and continue watching the movie. Jacob and Bella followed close behind. He stayed waiting for the ending before leaving.

Walking by the bathrooms Amir seeing Mike walking out. They walk side by side.

"Welp I need to go home" Mike said breaking them apart. Jacob glares at Mike.

"I was still sick before the movie- what is your problem?" Mike asked while Jacob just glare.

"You're my problem" Jacob said glaring at him more like he want to fight him.

"Feeling sick? Maybe, you need to go to the hospital"  Amir watches eating popcorn.

"You want me to put you in the hospital" Jacob stand up fast as his chest heaving angrily at mike. Bella step in.

"Jake, Jake the movies over what you doing. You really hot, like you feel like you have a fever. Are you ok?" Bella asked touching his arms.

"I don't know what's happening. I got to go" Jacob took off walking out the theatre.

"Dude is weird" Mike said sighing. They leave the theatre and Bella drive Amir home with her.

"Well that was a disaster" Amir said.

"No kidding" Bella mumbles out. Amir went straight to his room after saying hello to his mom and Charlie.

Amir notice the way Jacob was shaking normally that happen when you about to shift. That anger though was something else. When he shifted he wasn't as angry as Jacob. Jacob seem like he was about to fight the whole town just by looking at him.

Which means eventually they will realized his scent is different from natural humans and there might be a turn in things. Amir not a vampire and he is thankful for that.  Knowing that being a vampire is literally the enemy of being a wolf.

Werewolves naturally suppose to hunt vampires down. He figure the only reason the Cullens have a treaty with the wolves was because they are vegetarians. Otherwise they would have killed them by now.

Amir never seen a werewolf before, but he knows he is bigger then one because he is a bear shifter. It takes little time before Bella going to find out about Jake and soon they will find out about him. What will he do when that comes? He have no clue.

The pain of what the two Cullens left behind did damage on his heart and he have no clue how to handle it besides ignoring it and moving on in life. Hanging out with Bella helps though she mostly flirts with Jake. Amir wanted to be out the house and going along with them helps a lot for him. Amir has also been shifting in his bear a few times. He loves the feeling of the wind through his fur.

For once Amir is curious about the future and where it holds for him. He sighs and close his notebook stretching yawning. He went to take a shower and brush his teeth getting ready for bed.

Once done, he wear his pjs and slip into the covers getting ready for bed. He mind wonders off about the wolves before he drift asleep.

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