Bang It Up (Inside)

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Tonight, Marron Chestnut has decided against all odds that she was going to do it. She will finally confess her feelings to her childhood crush. After deliberating for weeks on the pros and cons, one thing had become abundantly clear...she would get absolutely nowhere at the rate at which things were going. Part of her wishes she had come to her decision sooner, however, there was always a small part of her that hoped these feelings would fade away into the sands of time...or that someone else would take hold of her heart.

Unfortunately for Marron, this has not been the case. The object of her affection has only grown more handsome, kinder, and even stronger than before; twenty years later and the 26-year-old was still as in love as the day the lightning bolt of love struck her.

It has been decided (by herself, mainly) that she would confess her feelings to him. Granted, she was not choosing the best occasion...his best friend was coming back after a 3 year trip out in space and she decided to utilize the event welcoming his return to confess her feelings. Yes, it was selfish. But isn't love selfish? The blonde's romantic heart has always guided her decisions in these scenarios.

Her close friends teased her for the grandiose plans that she concocted as if they came straight out of a cheesy romance novel. But to her, this was something far greater than cheesy romance...she wanted him to be struck, just like her. Become so infatuated and in love that she will not be pushed aside any longer. Was that too high of a demand for a girl so in love?

After all, what is more, romantic than a lofty declaration of love by a beautiful woman during the after-hours of a gala event? Yes, a Gala event. The Briefs, a multi-billionaire family that were close family friends, always hosted giant parties and events for any occasion. It just so coincided that he would be here too.

But there was fear rooted in her faulty logic and poorly planned actions, every failed attempt at confessing has ended in some disaster, and frankly, she wasn't sure if she was up for another mistake. Would he see her as a woman, or would he still look at her and see her as just a friend?

Her hair, which was usually pulled into two twin tails, was pulled back into a bun, her side bangs framing her face, her pearlescent dress snug on her body matched with an equally white satiny finished heels. She kept herself understated, as she always has, sporting minimal but glossy make-up.

She sat in the ballroom at the table labeled for her family, watching as familiar and unfamiliar faces flitted by her. Some were family friends, people who have known the Briefs for years – others were business partners with the company. But she didn't care for much of that...nor did she care for the formalities of rubbing elbows with the rich.

"You okay, sweetie?" A warm voice asked whilst a hand placed itself over hers. Marron looked over to her father a fake smile laced on her lips. "You've been on edge since 'ya got here...are the crowds a bit much–"

"Oh, no it's okay dad," Marron replied quickly, looking around. " Man, mom sure is taking a while with those drinks..." She clicked her tongue as she caught the tall and slender woman chatting with a certain blue-haired heiress. She really needed something to take the edge off...

"Marron!" The blonde looked up to two teenagers eyes bright. Bulla Briefs graced her presence with a chic and sparkly red dress that dragged ever so slightly on the floor. Her hair curled to perfection, she was nothing short of the envy of any girl her age. By her side, Pan Son, sporting a fitted women's tuxedo. Her jet-black hair stylishly split down the middle

"Hey, guys!" Marron exclaimed, "how are you guys?" It's been a couple of months since she last saw Bulla, she and her brother were as elusive as it came with public appearances. Pan, on the other hand, she saw more often than she'd admit.

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