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     My sweet angel OC, she doesn't have trauma, no missing limbs, no scars, and BOTH of her parents. And she has all her mental health intact.

    I do intend to redesign her heavily, so I haven't drawn her yet, but she's an adorable little teifling girl with pinkish/magenta skin and cotton candy esque hair. I haven't thought of a good style but it's very fluffy and poofy, and probably in either spacebuns(like Sailor Moon) or one big spikey/poofy ponytail off to the side a little. Here's the stuff I love about her design which I will never change:

    She has TOE BEANS and they are very stealthy beans. Also she has sharp teeth, which she usually covers up with a mask cause she doesn't want to scare children (also handy for hiding identity but when you're that colourful to begin with it's kinda pointless). Lastly, she has a long tail with a lot of fluff kind of like a feather the same colours as her hair.

     Okioki, now onto her backstory. But because she's intended to be a Dungeons and Dragons character, I'm keeping a lot of details vague so she can seamlessly (or almost seamlessly) fit into any setting. That being said all my OCs have a place in my setting, I just haven't figured out hers yet. Probably that pesky main land.

     Higanbana was born into a prestigeous crime syndicate. While she was still a baby her father announced the idea of retiring to live with his wife at sea and raise their daughter. After an attempt was made on Higanbana's life, thwarted by warning from a few loyal servants, her father vowed to continue to lead the syndicate. However his goals had now changed, in a peculiar way.

      In the beginning, the syndicate was renowned for being fiercely loyal and reliability in smuggling and stealing, working as middlemen more often than stealing for themselves. But then came a few requests for assassinations, and business suddenly flourished for the group. Higanbana's father has always favoured making allies rather than enemies, so a condition was made that the group would never be privy to an assassination that wasn't well deserved, and that anyone who takes on a job must investigate thoroughly before completion.

     A brief respite to talk about Higanbana's mother, who's worked closely with the syndicate for decades as one of their closest allies. Since she was a kid she was raised by pirates and later took up the helm of Captain after climbing the ranks. Having grown up in this business together, it was almost destiny for her and the crime prince to fall in love. Nowadays she works a little more lazily, still doing jobs for the Syndicate but due to their nature she still gets to just enjoy her life at sea with her crew.

     And this was the environment Higanbana was raised in, despite first impressions, her father loves her dearly and possibly spoils her a little too much. He trained her to fight and to kill, to steal and to hide, and most importantly he taught her loyalty. Not the kind won with misinformation or tickery, the kind won by honesty. Her father prides himself in never lying to his servants, students, allies, friends, or family.

     With her mom Higanbana learned what to do to take care of a ship, and how to navigate with the stars, or how to tell which ships have potentially valuable cargo. She also learned how to shoot a bow (or a gun if that exists in the setting like in Exandria). But she prefers her bladed weapons and close quarters combat.

      So, all in all, despite being an assassin and an expert thief in her own right, Higanbana was raised in a loving environment where both her parents are very, very proud of her for her achievements. That being said, when she hears bards at taverns sing about the deeds of adventurers who slay monsters and save entire villages, she often daydreams of being the muse of such stories and legends. And this sparks the flame of her journey to gather a group of like-minded adventures and become a legend that is recognized by the gods.

     Naturally her parents support her decision to leave home but her papa is reluctant and gives her a sending locket so she can always call him if she needs his help(or just to check in and say goodnight). He's a very good dad. As for her mom, she's a bit more laid back, tells her little sand dollar to have fun and kick butt.

     So for anyone who cares about specifics, at starting level(s) she's a teifling rogue, nothing too special or fancy. I was gonna go for just a thief but I wouldn't be surprised if there was a better subclass by the time I actually get to play her.

     If I do wind up drawing her, she'll likely be wearing a Japanese or Korean style outfit, since I see a lot of really cute Asian fashion ads on Instagram (which are usually inspired by Anime or Kpop which is why I specified Jap and Kor). And it'll likely be a handful or darker pinks or purple with pops of brighter pinks and blues to match her hair and tail. She has beans she doesn't need shoes.


    Some notes for artist me:

     Fluffy hair, cotton candy
    Skin fuzzy? Like a peach? Yisss
    Blue beans, pink skin, we call it a design choice
    Big lashes. Idk why. Just big lashes.
    Grabby hands? Yes. Also, blue fingies
    Horns are kinda small, curve in the direction she faces like a bull
        Socks, like on cats. They're blue so her beans can be pink and ADORABLE

     Ahem, that'll be all. Also, she thiccc cause papa loves to give her treats and take her to the bakery.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2022 ⏰

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