dumbass trio

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Just the idea of a story where two dumbass whores (respectable or otherwise) meet a nervous ray of sunshine aceness and decide to adopt them. Later on they become a poly relationship with our Ace being the mushy romantic one and the whores have big protec, attac, but also fuck right back energy. Ace of course supports their lovers' thottiness so long as it is safe and doesn't actively involve them.

   Ace: go on, be slutty
   Whore 1: really? You won't mind?
   Ace: if you don't come home by 1 I'll be worried
    Whore 2: then we'll be home by 11, love you sweetheart *insert gesture equal to goodbye kisses here*
    And then the whores go fuck something questionable to make their objective easier to get to, ex: fuck a rich minotaur to get an invite to a fancy ball the antagonist attends or something

Ngl a very similar dynamic to Q, Elliot, and Margo from the Magicians but like, the good dynamic in like season 1-3 ish and the drama is very different and doesn't drift them apart ya know

Also, the whores can't ever buy clothes separately cause they share a wardrobe, that said they will low-key fight over who gets to where a scarf Ace got them cause they love Ace so much

Definitely going to flesh out these characters in the future, might even use the story as an exuse to world build the main continent of my material plane setting. Ooooooo

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