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Iseul get off Jisung's car, approaching the certain group waiting by the side of the road. Her presence were notice by Jeno first, followed by everyone. "You bought a car?" Yangyang questions. "Car?" She let out which the man nods as reply. "That's Jisung's"


She nods as answer to Haechan's questions. "We're cool." Jisung stands behind her. "Whatever. Let's go now. I'll carpool with Jeno" Haechan sighs grabbing his luggage and walking over to the car, park beside another car. "Me too" Chenle follows the older. "I'll go with Yangyang" Renjun walk over to the car park beside Jeno's. "How about you?" Jeno asks. "Let me ride with Yangyang" Jaemin go straight to Yangyang's car.

"She'll ride with me"

Jisung answered for her. "Will you be fine?" Yangyang state. "I'm fine. Go on. They're waiting. See you in...2 hours" She drag Jisung back to his car. "Text me!" Jeno follow up. She nods entering the car. As for Jisung, he run to the other side of his car, sitting in right away.

"They're way too protective, I'm the boyfriend. Not them!"

"Are you jealous?" She turn off her phone. "Yes" Jisung casually answer, driving, following the other two car. "Iseul, I just notice, you're not that happy when I'm with you, why?" Jisung swiftly change the subject. "What do you mean?" She replied. "Our deep talks aren't the same as two years ago. I'm more opening up to you than you opening up to me"

"Did I fuck up so big 2 years ago?"

"I can't answer that" She sighs. "See? You're avoiding my question again. I hate it so much. As the day pass by you avoiding my deep question, it only increase the rage inside me. You can't open up to me the same as ages ago" Jisung snaps but he's more angry at himself than to his girlfriend. "Jisung, we're aging. There are stuffs that are not meant to be said, even to your partner"

"Fuck. Words of wisdom. Open up to me, goddammit"

Iseul sighs deciding not to respond to the man. She can't risk getting into a fight during the vacation. She came to empty her head not to create friction and lost control again. "Jisung, don't argue with me right now. Please" She mumbles but enough for the man to hear. "I'm sorry. I'm just so frustrated, I didn't mean to fight"

The rest of the ride went quiet. None of them talk and without them noticing, the 2 hour journey ended. A knock from Iseul's side snap her out of her thoughts. She tilt her head seeing Yangyang outside. Sliding the window down, she hum. "We have to leave the cars here. The villa is up there, no car allowed in the property" She nods unbuckling her belt. "Jisung, let's go"

"Go. I'll get the bags" She nods exiting the car first. Stepping onto the white sand where the breeze of the sea behind her was, her hair flew indicating how strong the wind is. Not to mention, how cold it is. "We'll end up swimming indoor if this is how cold it is" Haechan mumbles. "Our timing is off. Let's go" Yangyang sighs beginning to walk up to the villa.

As for Iseul, she let the other go first waiting for Jisung. "Jisung" She calls. The man hums shutting his car close. Iseul grab her bag wearing it. "Let's go" She adds. "One sec. I have to check the locks" Jisung replied going around his car, checking all 4 doors.

"Jisung, are you gonna tell the others about us?" She hold onto the man's arm which Jisung respond with a hold. "Of course. After all, I've been up all night thinking when to marry you" Jisung replied. "We're 20. If you're forgetting" She reminds. "Bro, I'm 21. You're 20" The man corrects. "Stop acting like a grown up, you're only a few months older than me"

"I'm still older"

Reaching the villa, they both enter the house only to find the living room empty but full of luggage. "They must be sleeping already" The man grab the bag on her back placing it on the couch. "They must have left two rooms empty, right?" She strip her jacket off. "Why two?"

"We're two"

"I mean, we could share." And the man walk upstairs. Tho confuse, she follow the man up to the second floor. Quiet and locked doors welcome her. The second floor has 5 door which Iseul assume empty or pack. "All 4 is locked and the master bedroom is empty. Let's go there" Jisung drag her in the said room. She move her foot along the man, following him.

"I'm too tired, I'm gonna sleep first" She nods as the man strip his shoes and jacket, getting under the comforter. "Did you not sleep last night well?" She ask untying her shoes as well. "I did but I awoke early. Have some emails to respond to" Jisung immediately snuggle close to her. "You should sleep. Everyone should be asleep in an hour or two" She plays with the man's fluffy hair. "I will"

Jisung awoke early that night, his eyes squint as the moon shine from the glass window. Beside him was empty which only answers that his girlfriend were awake already. Standing up from the bed, without wasting a second, he put on a pair of slippers exiting the room.

Not even taking a step down the stairs, multiple laughters rang in his ear. Leaning on the railing, he look down only to see Iseul and Yangyang playing cards. Only the two were present. Jealousy and possessiveness was fast to get inside him. His grip on the railing tighten and his hidden veins pop. "You're awake" Renjun approach him. "They're so close, don't they?"

"How could he touch what's mine?"

"Jisung, are you jealous?" Renjun states. His eyes only darken, not removing his gaze from the two who never felt his presence. "You don't have to be jealous. If Iseul really likes Yangyang, they would have been together now. Who knows, they might be planning to get married already but nothing happened during the two years you were gone"

"Are you two back together?"

"Yes" He shortly answer. "I'm glad. Iseul rejects anyone who confess to her. Even her CEO try to hit her up" Renjun said making his curiosity perk up. "Her CEO?" He raise a brow. "Yes, he's 5 years older than her. He's really good looking although he's at the age. He's still young but Iseul is way too young for him"

"Is he that handsome?"

"He is" Renjun answers patting his shoulder one last time before walking down the stairs. As for Jisung, he sighs contemplating what to do with the woman. Not long later, he follows the older down the stairs. With his hands buried in his pocket, he clears his throat. "Where's the rest?" He asks. "They're out, buying food. Hey! It's my turn!" Iseul did not spare him a look. "What? You just got one!"

"I give up"

"Iseul, can you come with me for a second?" He calls. "Where?" The woman ask. "Just go" Renjun push the woman, occupying the seat. Jisung sighs gripping on his woman's wrist dragging her out.

"Where are we going? It's high tide. We can't go to the water" Iseul raps through her words as he continue to walk down and to the white sand. "Were you having fun?" He force a smile to hide his annoyance. "To what? The game? Yes, it was fun" His annoyance increases as he push his hair back clenching his jaw, his hand rested on his waist. "Are you doing this on purpose?"

"What? Did you have a bad sleep?" The woman reach for his head when he step back. "Stay right there. Don't touch me" He points at the woman. "What's wrong with you?" Iseul claims, frown visible on her feature. "What's wrong with me?" He gasp earning another weird look from the woman.

"I'm so jealous!"

"Of Yangyang? Of all people would be jealous of, Yangyang? Are you kidding me? Just now he was telling me about the woman he's trying to ask out." Iseul explains. "Is that so?" He let out, scratching his head.

Jaemin halts making the person behind him stop as well. Haechan look up, hands filled with paper bags that has their food for tonight. "They're back together?" Jaemin asks, Haechan let out a huh before looking at where the man has his gaze at. "I guess?"

"I'm late again"

Haechan sighs looking away. The so complicated love triangle engulfing their circle of friends were so hard to bear. "Jaemin, you like Iseul?" The younger only nods, not breaking his gaze from the couple by the sand. "You know, even if you confess earlier, she won't accept you, right?"

"You never know"

"Jaemin, Iseul knows it long ago already. Jeno told me. She said she chose not to say anything about it to not make it hard for you and to everyone. That's enough, Jaemin."

"We're not getting any younger, find someone else. Someone already own her, even before"

𝖠𝗅𝗀𝗈𝗉𝗁𝗈𝖻𝗂𝖺 (𝖯𝖺𝗋𝗄 𝖩𝗂𝗌𝗎𝗇𝗀) Where stories live. Discover now