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"You sure you're fine alone?" Iseul sighs nodding as Yangyang carry a box of her stuffs, she follows after the man, holding a box as well. "How could you refuse your Mom? It's Vancouver! You're missing loads of things!" Yangyang claims placing the box on the table, she did the same pushing some strands of hair out of her face. "I don't care"

"Is it because of Jisung?"

Iseul look down tapping her foot, a sign of disturbance of her. "Is it bad that I'm waiting for our relationship to be fix again?" She almost whispers but Yangyang heard her words. "It's like there's a light in my last bit of hope that we can still fix it" She adds. "Iseul" Yangyang calls. She hum looking up. "You....why are you so attach to Jisung? What if he did not stop you back there because he's waiting for it? I'm not trying to ruined everything but I'm asking you things that is possible."

"No, Jisung love me" She shakes her head. "Let's say he does but why, why did he side with Sooah instead you?" That question hit Iseul like a truck. Suddenly, her chest feels heavy. And it's like daggers were slicing her into pieces. "I don't know" She mumbles, voice is nowhere to be found. "Iseul, free yourself"

"This might be the first fight you shared with Jisung that went out of hand and what happened? Jisung fails to talk it out with you" Yangyang claims. "You know each other very well but not as a couple. You know that, you're aware yourself that you both don't" The man adds. "We can get to know each other" She tried to convince the man who only sigh out an air out of frustration.

"Until you're gone or worse, until you only have yourself? No one else?"

"Iseul, the other half of you stands as a person who's beside you through up and down. Not the person who appears only during the light and not during the dark."

Iseul sat by her couch, alone in her apartment, the only light dimming her living room was the light in the neighborhood. A blanket is laid on her figure as tears fell on her cheeks.

Will she be like this until she's ready to face everyone? Should she not have broke up with Jisung? Maybe she should have just bear with it. But how? She's hurting. Her chest were hurting—no, screw that, it's her heart. Her heart is hurting. Not her body, her soul, her heart.

Fishing out her phone, the brightness of her skin welcome her features. Multiple messages from her friends pop in her notification bar but not a single message from the man himself. Unknowingly, Iseul press her conversation with Jisung. The last message they shared was the I love you's and that's it. Her tears fell nonstop. She feels devastated and she wanted to give up.

"Why did she drop this class?" Sungjin whines. Jisung enters the laboratory, everyone immediately turning to him. "What happened?" He let out. "Iseul drop this class" That's when he almost lost it. His grip on his lab gown tighten as he walk over to the couch, sitting.

Burying his hand in his pocket, he checks the latest announcement in their class period. "She also drop 3 of her other class" Ren said, Jaemin sighs mixing his fragrance due today. "Did she contact you why?" Sungjin follow up a question. "We broke up" He throw his phone in the couch pushing his hair back.

Multiple Oh left the people in the laboratory's mouth. "You won't contact her?" Jaemin spin himself to face him. "I don't know" He admits. "Jerk" Jaemin did not even hide it, he let it out, startling the people in the room. "What?" Jisung let out, questioning whether what he heard was right. "You're the biggest jerk I've seen in my life" Jaemin elaborates. "What did you say?" He stood up, offended.

"Offended, are we? Facts only"

"Look, i never want any of this. I was set on the verge of a dangerous and risky decision" He tried explaining. "Decision? You have to decide who to side with? You know it yourself how much of a slut Sooah is. You know how lowly she can go just to have you and it seems like you're enjoying it" Jaemin raps through his words. "Oh, to be the main character." The man claims. "You're no different to a jerk who thinks everyone like him who can easily drop any woman anytime"

"I get it" He said through his greeted teeth. "You like Iseul. Is that why you're attacking me like this?" He grin. "Talking about immature. If you think because I care for Iseul, I would take this chance to hit up with her. I'm not some kind of jerk who would make a fragrance and give it to other woman when my girlfriend is present." The man sorts back. "If you are to call me immature, what about you? Hitting up with my girlfriend"

"I did? When?" Jaemin throw questions. "Or you're just threatened because you know yourself that there are people who can treasure Iseul more than you can! You're just a child, grow up" The older man snaps. In this case, the air in the laboratory gets heavy. "What the hell are you saying to Jisung?!" Sooah butt in, getting in between the two man.

"Right timing, slut"

Jaemin glares at the two, not bothering to filter his words. "Slut?!" Sooah gasps. "Yes, I call you slut. I could name you endless insults and if you are to ask me to say it all, I would willingly say it." Jaemin respond. "You must have went partying last night. Enjoying your victory of ruining someone's relationship. So cheap"

Iseul exits the building, her bag on her shoulder and a paper on her other hand. Request of transfer. After manifesting the whole night, she's decided. She has to take a break or transfer to another place. And it's clear that she chose the other option. She got no face to face everyone. Anyone she sees in the road just annoyed the shit out of her.

Beginning to leave the university, she walks alone while everyone has one or more beside them making her more lonely as she is right now. 2 more days. She encourage herself still walking by herself when a figure approach her. She halts looking up on the tall and masculine man. "Jeno"

"Can we talk?"

"What did you say?" She gasp, not believing what she just heard. "No, I can't just come with you." She answers right away. "Look, it's only a month vacation. I was mad as well, like you. I spent all night thinking who to bring. Everyone was busy as fuck and I think you're the best option I have" Jeno claims. "Still! I have—" She halts realizing what she's about to say. "You don't. Come on, Iseul. You're free now and you can do what you want. There's no Jisung who would control you anymore"

"Just us two?"

"Jaemin wanted to come. He bought his own ticket, so, us three" Jeno answers. "Where?" She enquire. "It's an island. Come on, a vacation will ease that fresh wound in your heart. Trust me, when we comes back, it's either you have a boyfriend already or you're healed. That's all" Jeno claim. "What the hell are you saying? I'll text you" She stands up from the chair. "It's a yes, right?"

"I said I'll text you"

"I did it" Jeno calls on the other line. "Please take care of her" the person from the other line reply. "Deal with him or else, I'll make sure your dirty works will be all over the University, you understand?" He threatened. "How could you threatened me like this? I was the reason you'll be able to spend time with her!"

"I don't fucking care, you dirty slut" He curse, his grip on his phone tightening. "Let me remind you, if things gets out of hand, I'll make you feel what Iseul has felt because of you, you fucking wench" He adds, not filtering his mouth. "No matter what happens here, all the blame goes to you. Not to me. After all, you were the one who ask me for this that you even came to the point that you could show your nudity"

"But it's okay, I never accepted your offer. I take no slightest interest in your body." He ends the call leaving the Café as well.

"What a messy day..."

𝖠𝗅𝗀𝗈𝗉𝗁𝗈𝖻𝗂𝖺 (𝖯𝖺𝗋𝗄 𝖩𝗂𝗌𝗎𝗇𝗀) Where stories live. Discover now