Chapter twenty three

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Novas POV

" nova what are you doing here?" Peter asked and I sighed " we leave tomorrow so I thought I just needed some time" and he finished my sentence for me " away from it all?" And I nodded he smiled " go out to the back and take the time you need come in when you're ready I'll Make sure no one disturbs you." I smiled at him he knows just what I need when I need it. How am I gonna move away to another country when he's here. I won't have my person I'll be alone. I walked outside and sat down under the tree. His garden was big and I now realise what a blessing it is. I just looked at the sky and I sighed why does it need to be so hard? What can't I have just been raised by her?

But if I had I wouldn't have Peter. I wouldn't have met my family. I wouldn't have any of what makes me myself. I know what I've been through has made me how I am and I know I can do well. But it's so scary without having the support I need. And even if Scarlett and Chris and Lizzie like me she has so much more family. I mean she has and always swill ahve more of a Bond with my two siblings. And then there's Colin who didn't sign up to be a step father to a teenager. He didn't sign up to even be apart of my life so why should he? I can't expect any of them to Care. Scarlett kinda had been forced into taking me with her because what should she do with me? She can't leave me here after I know she's my mum because then that can affect her career and life and we'll she didn't want that. But also I have to remember she's shown me more love in two
Days then I have been shown in my entire life from my ' parents'. She is an actress but there's one things you can't lie about and that's . You can't fake caring and I like to think that she does care. Maybe not as much as I think buts she does. Giving me her phone number helped me there.

I went back inside after about an hour because it was getting cold and dark and I hadn't realised how early it gets dark here. It's only 4 and it's dark out. It doesn't make sense but it's England what does?

" so I hope you're Mother knows you're here" aunt Maria said as I walked in and I nodded which she didn't see because she's cooking with her back to me "She did actually she dropped me off" and she hummed showing me she's listening "I had her ask me about what you would wanna eat tonight" she said looking at me with a small smile " what did you say?" and she smirked " you'd want enchiladas with no veg because you act like you're allergic" and I nodded because it's my comfort food along with homemade chips " well what did she say" and that made her smile wider " she went to get everything to
Make it. It's gluten free and everything and she's making you homemade chips the way you like them" and I smiled to myself that's nice to know that she's making my comfort food " wait how do you have her number and I didn't?"-
ANd that caused a smirk " because I asked for it I can't let you go and not have any contact with you're mother. Especially when you come to visits or Peter goes I have to communicate with her in some way nova" and I modded wow I didn't need all of that " I know that I just didn't expect you to have it" and she nodded turning to cut her veg for her curry. It was the lentil one and I hate it so yes I'm glad Scarlett is making me enchiladas because we to the healthy crap.

I'm a particular eater and we'll you can't blame me when's it's not nice it's not nice. I saw Peter walk in and he gave me a side hug " how you feeling now?" And I smiled " a lot better cleared my mind so more" and he nodded smiling. I knew he'd always have my back but again I don't know what to do alone out there. Yes FaceTime exists but it's not the same as being in person. Also he's the person I goof around with and I won't have that. I also can't get over how I won't have to smell him anymore. Like his smell is a Dior spray he's been wearing since high school and now I won't get to smell it. Unless I get it for myself but it's to expensive and Scarlett wants me to get new clothes for summer so I won't have any money to get that spray and pretend he's with me. Although he did apply for a apprenticeship out there with a photographer but I don't know.

Scarlett had texted me and I opened the chat to see she's. Actually texted heels and then texted me from her own phone. Hiiii Scarlett rocks and I rolled my eyes I mean at least she didn't put mom because then I'd feel pressured if I saying it whne I'm clearly not ready to look at her let alone telling her I now think of her as mom. She can't have cared though if I don't call her mom because she wrote Scarlett.

I had to tell Peter that we were leaving tomorrow but when he asked what time I stopped because even I don't know that. " 3 in the afternoon" aunt Maria said and we both turned to see her smiling at us Scarlett and her seem to talk alit. " that one was from liz " and I looked at her in a little shock how am I surprised she moves so fast.

It'a getting late and I am tired but I don't wanna go yet I do wanna because yeh. I'd need to tell Scarlett anyway to come get me so that's gonna be fun.


I'm too tired to write more it's 3am

Remember to drink water
Eat a full meal

My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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