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two months later

"we're starting now?" taehyung groaned, looking at jisele who was in his room ready to tutor him about the women's reproductive system

"yeah" jisele raised an eyebrow, "that's why i'm here"

taehyung smirked, "we have different reasons aegiya"

jisele ignored taehyung's comment,"let's start with an easy question" she grabbed a flash card from the pile beside her, "the primary sex organ of female reproductive system is?"


"ovaries taehyung, ovaries" jisele huffed, "let's move on to a different question—"

"this is bullshit" taehyung groaned, "i'm telling you we're just wasting time. this is not going to get anywhere"

"excuse me?" jisele pointed a finger at taehyung

"this is pointless and why do you even want me to study?" taehyung looked over at jisele, crossing his arms waiting for an answer

"you have your bio test coming up and if you don't pass coach said you can't play in the up coming game" jisele raised her arm up that held the flash card, "can we continue?"


jisele smiled at taehyung, "does the reproductive system make babies?"

"well—we can test that out right now" taehyung licked his lips

"taehyung!" jisele hid her face as her cheeks turned pink as she kicked his leg under the table

"go on" taehyung chuckled

she glared at him, giving him a warning before reading the next flash card, "how long does it take for sperm to travel to the egg and fertilize it?"

"ummm—it takes how long for us to do in the bed or longer if we do on the kitchen counter, hot tube, the shower—" taehyung laughed

"can you focus?" jisele got up from her spot, "i can't teach you biology if you're going to make dirty jokes"

"then let's go on our date that i originally planned for us to do, but you wanted to tutor me instead" taehyung pushed his tongue against his cheek. he was still mad at jisele for ruining the date he had planned for them

"but taehyung—"

"i'm not taking no for an answer" he grabbed jisele by the arm, dragging her out of the house

mcdonald's parking lot

"jimin i thought you said we're going to the movie theatre?" angelica noticed the mcdonald's parking lot the two were currently in

𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐎𝐑 𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐑 || 𝐏𝐉𝐌 & 𝐊𝐓𝐇Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora