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ᴡ ᴇ s ᴛ ᴠ ɪ ᴇ ᴡ    ʜ ɪ ɢ ʜ

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ᴡ ᴇ s ᴛ ᴠ ɪ ᴇ ᴡ ʜ ɪ ɢ ʜ

taehyung sighed as he missed another shot. this was his third one yet, and he still didn't make one in

taehyung took ball seriously ever since he was little, not to mention the stress of his father. his father had big hopes for him and his basketball career.

taehyung, however, didn't feel the same way

he groaned as he messed up on his footwork. he wondered why he couldn't play properly today. he slammed the ball to the wall, as his blood boiled

"fuck" he mumbled as he closed his eyes

just as taehyung was about to head for the locker room, the gym doors soon open, but that didn't distract taehyung to look over

"um hi, do you know where the team caption is?" a soft voice bolted across the empty gym

taehyung noticed a young girl calling for him as she had many papers and a laptop in her hand

taehyung huffed, "your looking at him"

"i'm here to interview you for a school report" the girl spoke

taehyung turned around with his hands on his hips, "i didn't sign up for such bullshit. you can leave" he was annoyed that she had interrupted his time

"i'm sorry, but i was told by the school to do so" the girl began to fidget with her pen

taehyung rolled his eyes, "i said no"

the girl sighed, "fine, i'ii just write that the school's caption is a cold, untalented player" she made her way to the door

taehyung's eyes went big. he couldn't cause such an image for himself

"wait" he reached for her arm, stopping her from leaving, "you got 10 minutes"

detention room

jimin walked into the empty classroom, but this time the teacher that was there earlier wasn't in the room. a smile formed on his lips as he could easily do what he wanted, without getting in trouble

normally jimin would have left school property if there was no teacher, but since he knew he would spend an hour with angelica, he didn't want to

he surprisingly enjoyed being around her

jimin walked to the same spot he sat earlier that day. he soon heard a knock on the door

𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐎𝐑 𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐑 || 𝐏𝐉𝐌 & 𝐊𝐓𝐇Where stories live. Discover now