False God

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"So Sam almost caught you yesterday," Steve laughs, practically wheezing after Bucky reluctantly told him about the events that occurred yesterday morning. "He almost caught you twice."

You, Sam, and Bucky went on a short and to the point assignment, and things were as normal as could be on that mission. If Sam noticed anything off, he didn't say. You acted like your normal self, and Bucky did too.

Even when you got back, things were normal. Occasionally Bucky would look over at you and stare a moment too long, you'd catch him staring and try to hide your blushing smile. After the mission, you three ordered a pizza for dinner and just sat at the table and talked like back when you weren't living on the Compound. That is, until Bucky slipped up:


"Don't talk about me and my sleep habits," you say, swatting Sam's hand away from the slice of pizza on your plate.

"It's not sleeping habits, you talk in your sleep! It scared the hell out of me the first night," Sam teases.

"Yeah," Bucky snickers. "Maybe if it made sense, it wouldn't be that bad. But it's just weird non-sensical phrases and random-ass words."

Sam turns to Bucky with a slightly tilted head and looks at Bucky strangely. "How do you know that?"

"What?" Bucky says, his laughter dying as he realizes the slip up he just made.

"I mean, I know that because we used to live together. She used to sleep with the door open. But how do you know that?" Sam pointedly asks, his arms folding as he waits for Bucky's response.


"Probably from that night you and Steve were on that mission," you interject on Bucky's behalf. "Super soldier hearing and everything."

"Yeah, exactly! I just overheard," Bucky nods, trying his very best to convince Sam.

"Uh-uh," Sam lilts, his suspicious eyes flickering between you and Bucky.


And when Steve got back from his own assignment, Bucky needed to tell someone. He had to say something about what happened, and now he was deeply regretting it as he watched Steve wheeze and laugh at the precarious situation Bucky was in the thick of. "Why don't you just tell him? It's better that he hears it from you than catching you sneaking around like that."

"We're not sneaking around. We're just friends," Bucky insists, him and Steve walking over to the jet where you and Sam are waiting.

Steve got the mission from Tony in the middle of the day about a hostage situation in an abandoned HYDRA post, and now the four of you were all headed out.

It set Bucky's teeth on edge that you were coming with them after the Rumlow situation and HYDRA's obvious interest in you. But like most things, it wasn't up to you. Despite Sam's badgering and insistence, SHIELD wanted you back on the field after almost a two month long suspension.

It was the real reason you went on that assignment yesterday.

Steve looks at him in disbelief. "Really?"

"Yes. Just friends."

"That have kissed a few times?"

"That have kissed a few times," Bucky reluctantly concedes.

"And frequently sleep in the same bed?"

"And sometimes sleep in the same bed," Bucky begrudgingly corrects, knowing you two had slept in the same bed every single night since he first caught you wandering the Compound in the middle of the night.

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