Holy Ground

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And then things got better.

Your frame of reference for these things wasn't great, but you couldn't have imagined a better time over the next few months. It was absolutely perfect.

Mission after mission- day in, day out, now that you and Bucky were getting along, or more accurately now that Bucky stopped reading so much into Sam's words, you three actually made a pretty good team.

The playful dynamic between the three of you:

"This is a bad idea, right?" Sam murmurs, looking down at the overpass as you wait for the semi-truck to pass.

"Terrible idea," Bucky agrees.

"Too late, I've committed," you quip, stepping over the barricade.

"But you haven't done anything yet!" Sam calls after you.

"That's like a 20 foot drop, no way," Bucky says, his tone slightly playful but still sticking his arm out to stop you from dropping off the ledge of the rooftop the three of you were on.

"That sounds like a challenge to me," you playfully remark.

"It's not," Bucky deadpans.

You shrug, moving around Bucky's arm and leaping off the ledge.

"And I stick the landing!" you exclaim as your feet touch the ground, a well timed burst of air breaking your fall. As you land you turn around and stick your arms out much like a gymnast would at the end of their routine. You look up to find Bucky and Sam watching you in equal parts horror and awe. "Well come on!"

"How did-"

"I'm going to try that," Sam decidedly mumbles.

"I wouldn't-" But Sam's already leaping off the ledge, mimicking your exact technique, at least without the mystical powers to further break his fall.

"Sam, wait-" you start when you see him drop down without his wings extended.

Both you and Bucky wince as Sam lands on the lower rooftop. At first he remains standing, his knees awkwardly straight as he hits the gravel, only for him to audibly groan. "That's going to hurt tomorrow."

Bucky's the next one to leap, this time with a much smoother landing. "That's what you get for trying to copy a twenty-something year old with weird powers."

"Hey!" you defend. "My powers aren't weird."

"I hate to side with Bucky," Sam groans, rubbing at one of his knees. "But it's definitely not normal."

Or on Bucky's birthday:

"James? What are you doing here?" you ask, wiping your hands on the dishtowel as he walks in the door.

He smirks, putting his jacket on one of the kitchen chairs. "Am I not supposed to be here?"

"You shouldn't be working- it's your birthday."

"Crime doesn't stop because of a birthday. How did you even know that it's my birthday?"

You coyly shrug. "I have my sources."

"So Sam?" You shrug again, leaving Bucky once again without any answers. "Where is he anyway?"

"Upstairs having a very intense conversation with Nick Fury."


"I'll give you one guess."


Two Sides of The Same Coin: Grumpy x Sunshineजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें