Part 13- Shattered...

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-Me: *is jammin' Halestorm's cover of bad romance*

The realization that it works for my stories: 'sup?

Me: holy fu-

Dream's Shattered's pov

I heard someone behind me. I turned to see it was the one and only Shi.

"Well well well, look who actually managed to get out of their cell..."

"Yeah, it's great to be out of there, I think I got back problems thanks to that poor excuse for a bed," Shi retorted.

"So, why are you here?"

"I came to turn you back..."

"Unlike how you couldn't turn Nightmare back?"

"Funny, but unlike for Nightmare, I have something that might help you..."

"Really? And what is that?" They revealed (Y/n). Wait, how is that possible, th-they're...

"Dream? What did you do?" (Y/n) asked, tears filling their eyes.

".... This is not possible, that can't be (Y/n)," I said.

"Dream it is me, I want to help you..." They walked up to me. I grabbed the fake (y/n) with one tentacle, I tried to grab Shi too but they managed to dodge. Shi pulled out their knife and attacked me. Like I'd let them get me again...

Shi's pov

Shattered grabbed me by the neck and threw me onto my back., knocking the wind out of me. I slowly stood back up. I saw (Y/n) struggling in Shattered's grip.

"Wow, that hurt..." I told him. He wacked me onto my side. I got up again and teleported behind him. I pushed him down, pressing my elbow against the back of his neck.

"Well, look who has the high ground fu-" He lifted me up by the ankle and threw me against a tree.

This went on for a while. Every hit that I gave, he gave me four hits. He nearly took out my eye, blood was pouring out of the cut. I eventually just fell to the ground myself. I felt like I couldn't move a muscle.

"I-i think I'm just gonna take a quick nap, heh" I managed to squeak.

"How about you stop joking around for once and take things seriously? You're always joking around and honestly, it's annoying.."

"Dream!-" (Y/n) tried to yell at Shattered, but he covered their mouth. I stared at the ground. I stood up and picked up my knife.

"You still going to attack me, even though you know you can't beat me?" I used blue attack on him and pinned him against a tree. I cut the tentacles holding (Y/n), then held all of the tentacles in place with bones.

"Hey, what the-"

"Go on, (y/n), talk to him while he's like this..."

They nodded and walked over to the contained octopus...

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